Weekend Closure...

Apr 30, 2006 22:13

This was one of the best birthday weekends I've had in many years.

Friday, drinks with the teachers was really great.

Saturday, grabbing free dresses with my students and nabbed a few for myself. I actually got a dress that I can alter into Cagalli's dress in the last ender of destiny. Yay, for freebies! Anna's party was fabulous and fun, even Kenobi had a good time. ::Hugs:: Chris for giving me my Rukia plushie she is way too cute.

Sunday, the festival was awesome. It was too packed to see any of the events but the speakers allowed me to hear all the musical sounds. Everyone loved Momiji once again. ::Hugs:: to all that were at the festival it was a pleasure seeing you all again and for those that I didn't get to say good-bye sorry.

This week is work...whee! Hopefully I can be really productive. I have my exam the 20th, and tons of sewing. If all goes well everything will be done by ANext. Hopefully. And Kenobi do not put your two cents to this comment. :P

Only bad thing from such a busy weekend, I'm freakin' exhausted...off to shower and sleep.


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