Foggy days.

Nov 11, 2006 19:17

These were taken at the start of last week.

This was the view out my 16th floor window that morning.

Our firm used to take up the whole 16th floor and half of 17, however with the move, we'll all be on one floor.

A gargoyle stares into the fog while the Georgia Pacific building is sucked into it.

Beautiful fall colors.

This is the view south.

My personal items.

This is the view north.

The grandfather clock at the firm is amazing- this little man scythes his plants all day long.

Midtown just after sunset.

One of my favorite things about Atlanta is the way the low fog will pull the lights on the tops of the skyscrapers into the sky.

This is north on a normal day.

And this was taken tonight. My now dead roses from a few weeks ago.

work, atl

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