Jun 23, 2008 11:21
I am indescribably sad that George Carlin died. He was one of my heroes. WHY ARE ALL OF MY HEROES DYING?!?! D:
I shall say no more. I'll start rambling.
Yesterday was a lot of fun. My aunt and my cousin took me and my mom out for dinner and a movie. Going out with those two is much more enjoyable than with Gerry and Stella, because it's a much more casual and joking atmosphere.
Since I'm the graduate and all, I got to choose where to eat. Nora was telling me that this one place had sushi, and since I haven't had sushi in such a long time I was all for it.
They didn't have sushi. D:
It was just a normal seafood restaurant. The place was expensive. The thing that sucked about it is that nearly ALL of their dishes had some sort of shellfish in them, and the dishes that didn't have shellfish were still cross-contaminated with shellfish. I had ordered the "Fish and Chips" since that seemed safest, but the deep fryer they use for regular fish was the same one they used to deep-fry shellfish. I ended up ordering chicken, even though I really wanted some fish, dang it!
The cool thing was that I got the manager to deliver my food to me to assure me that no nuts or shellfish were in nor had touched my food. :D
Afterwards we went to see The Incredible Hulk, which was surprisingly good! I never saw the Hulk movie, since I heard it was just awful, so luckily I wasn't spoiled. I never really liked the Hulk character - he didn't seem do be able to do all that much and seemed like an idiot. The movie really surprised me in that aspect - there was a lot of action and the Hulk was intelligent in a "my mind feels like it's being burned with acid so I can't think straight but if I try I can get things through" kind of way.
There were cameos by the previous hulks (from the old television series, I mean), a spoof on the purple pants, Stan Lee, and a Robert Downey, Jr./Tony Stark cameo.
Movies I can't wait for:
Dark Knight
The Avengers
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Imax 3D)
I only think Journey to the Center of the Earth will be worth seeing in 3D. :/
I want some SUSHEH. >:0