crappy exam :(

Dec 09, 2003 13:16

All I can say right now…horrible, horrible day. -_-* Not one I would like to have ever again. ¬_¬

Interestingly enough, it's only a quarter after one. Not even a full day yet. =P

It didn't start off good, what with me oversleeping and all. Never oversleep when you have an exam at nine in the morning in a place an hour away from you. That's just…bad.

So I completely skipped breakfast, ran out the door, and got squished into the subway. Oh, yay, it's rush hour. That means, lotsa people. x_x Squishy, squishy, squishy as more and more people pile in. And when you finally reach Bloor and pile out, you remember that you have to change trains twice. What fun. You know what's even better? Getting on the wrong train! Yeah, that's so cool! …… =P

I ended up taking the northbound train rather than southbound when I was at St. George. -_-* Had to get off Spadina, run upstairs, downstairs back to the right side. And the number of people on those trains was more than the one on the Yonge line…if that's even possible. o.o;;

I end up arriving a few minutes after 9 where they were beginning to hand out the exams. I look at it. And look at it. Hour and a half later, I hand it in, mostly empty. Wasn't that a great exam? Just vunderful. T_T

I stopped by my registrar office after to pick up my forms plus drop psych. I'll still attend - kaasan insists on it, though, that was my plan already =P - but, yay~! that means I won't have to write both EAS and PSY exams together again! (third test for both was scheduled together again x_x) Walked along Bay to Indigo. Still a lot of news people's trucks and whatnot. I still don't get what really happened about the collapsed building, but I haven't read the paper yet so I guess I'll find out there. At Indigo, I only intended to look at some "graphic novels", but…*sighs* I caved and bought another TPop release. -_-* Honestly, I'm still not impressed with their editing job and whatnot. Meh, whatever. I don't really care right now. =P

Yesterday was a fairly good day, as opposed to today. ^_^ After stopping by the registrar office yesterday, I headed over to downtown Kikiwai. *screams* They have the FMA perfect guide! I want it, I want it!!! O_O I didn't know it was already available for sale, considering how I only saw it on the FMA manga site the night before. However, there was only one copy. =P So, if no one has it on hold, I get it. *hoping, hoping* Kind of a pricey book, though, but it's okay. It's FMA! XD GB18 came in for me, but I'm not sure if I'm going to buy it yet or not. Debbie and Rita let me go through all the manga boxes that came in over the weekend. ^_^ Never found the other stuff I was looking for, but there sure was a ton of Weiß side B v2. o_O Aside from picking up the two cds I went to get, I heard some…rather disheartening news, I guess. Kind of annoyed me. -o- But, it doesn't really matter. I'll keep trying my best to do the job right. And I'll never help another co-worker again if it turns out like that. ¬_¬ *huggles Debbie, Rita, and Joanne* They're cool. X3 Bonnie, too~ XD

I really do love the Body Combat class on Monday nights and I wouldn't give it up for anything, including working on a Monday. =P As Carrie says, some of us are just addicted to it. ^_^ ("Might as well face it, You're addicted to love body combat!" XD) Had dinner with kaasan (interesting how we've both gotten used to the term "kaasan" ^_^*) at Metro Square and I showed her the new Kikiwai store. I really do love how the inside looks. ^_^ Nonchalantly walked by the displays and…OMIGOD!! They have Tsubasa RC pencil boards!! Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!

They had a few of the older ones in the display case. I haven't seen these downtown yet so I was really surprised to see them. Not that I really care that much. The TRC pencil boards are rather plain. =x I like mine to have various colours, not one colour. -_-* But, still~! Just the fact that they had it made me go nuts. =P I really need to start working there. ^_^

Mwah, anyway, I'm rather hungry now. Haven't eaten since yesterday. ^_^ Here's hoping the rest of the day won't be as bad as the morning~! *runs off*

work makes me spend more money, sakura needs at least 5 alarm clocks, examinating is not a word, tofu daze, goodlife fitness, ttc: the only way

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