Sep 08, 2004 23:06
So tomorrow is thursday at last....and I get to see my baby. Trust me....I can't just so tired right now that i don't feel like even putting energy into this lj lol. I'm so happy's only been 3 and 1/2 days and it feels like forever!
Today was exhausting. I got up at 730am to give Eric a wake-up call....then went back to sleep until 930. Then I got up and went to the gym...came back...did 3 hours worth of work...and went to history. That class drives me nuts for reasons I'm too lazy to type right now. Anyway, after that class I came back to the apartment...did over 3 more hours of work..and then went to my 3 hour econ class from 720-10. I hate long night classes. First off, i just can't sit there for that long (even tho we do get breaks so the prof can go smoke). And secondly, it's just too late at night. At 10pm..i like to be comfortable in my room either studying, chilling out, or if im really tired...sleeping. So today was really hard. Did i mention that I was up until 3am yesterday doing work? No? oh...well that's probably the main reason I'm so tired..and I'm definitely not repeating that tonight. I'm going to bed in less then 10 minutes lol. But oh getting up at 630am to go to the gym! What am I....stupid? I bring this all on myself......I really do lol
But enough of that...I'm too tired to write anymore. Tomorrow is "friday" it's all good.
peace OUT! lol