"Armageddon: The Musical" by Robert Rankin

Jun 21, 2005 00:05

Title: Armageddon: The Musical
Author: Robert Rankin
My Grade: D+

God, this book was a big confusing mess. All over the place. Too many damn things happening with too many damn characters, it was hard to keep them all straight. Here's the basic storyline (I think). The earth and everything that has been happening on it has basically been a soap opera for other planets to watch (sort of like The Truman Show I guess). The apocalypse is somehow triggered accidentally and the people from the future (or whatever, like I said... I got confused) decide to send a time traveling sprout (yes, as in the vegetable) and some poor unsuspecting fool back in time to stop armageddon from happening... which they somehow connect with Elvis Presley being drafted into the Army. So, the sprout and fool find Elvis and eventually Elvis goes to the future with them (with the spout implanted in his head, no less) and decides that the Dali Lama is really the Antichrist. So, Elvis makes it a quest to kill the holy man.

The book had it's witty British humor moments. But the overall structure of the story was so sloppy, I found it tedious to get through. It's a shame, I wanted to like this having enjoyed one of Rankin's later books The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse last year.

satire, robert rankin, sci-fi humor, 2005 book reviews

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