Ame and I are spending the weekend at KumoriCon and we're having a good time. It's my first con in three years and her first ever. We came up with a nice list of things we observed and I took some pictures that I'll upload tomorrow night. Saw stuff. Bought stuff. Laughed a lot.
Kiaran and Ame Present: Con rules, observations and other insane stuffs
-At any con, you are guaranteed to see at least three Sephiroths.
-At this specific con, your hosts observed a Cloud carrying an "Uke" paddle. Said Cloud was heard to say, and I quote, "Oh, look! It's that hot guy over there!"
-Con rule #3: Never go up to a Sora cosplayer and make lewd comments about the Keyblade.
-Con rule #64: If you should run into a Kairi cosplayer, AVERT YOUR GAZE. If you meet their eyes, they can control you.
-Do not comment loudly "There's the guy who plays the giant wang!" when you see a Demyx cosplayer.
-In addition, do not comment "At least I didn't go up to her and ask her if I could touch the wang" when your friend gives you a strange look at the last comment.
-By 2:00pm, there will be at least fifteen people running through the building screaming.
-During the con, your hosts were privileged to spot a very flexible young man bend backwards, touch the floor with his hands and walk backwards doing this. Kiaran had to nerve to comment "If he's that flexible in public, how flexible do you think he'd be in bed?"
-Within the first fifteen minutes of the con, there will be at least three fangirl squeals of "Oh, my GOD!" Probably from you.
-At small cons such as KumoriCon, there are few good cosplayers.
-Guaranteed, you will find someone who scares you.
-Absolutely guaranteed, you will find at least one guy in drag.
-By the end of the con, if not at the end of the first day, your wallet will be crying.
-A good thing to remember, a leaping tackle with a friend usually results in pain of some sort for one of you.
-We guarantee this: You will find at least five people who make you ask "How the hell do they walk in those?!"
Anyways, expect more than one post from me tonight. I plan to post another one exactly at midnight (assuming that I pay attention to the time for once in my life), just so I can say "Holy fuck, I'm old" when I turn twenty-one.