So, because
dual_avi ranted about MattxMello, my second-favorite Death Note pairing (LightxL being the most favorite, of course), I had to comment. She said she might write for the pairing, which led to this comment by me:
"Matt x Mello! Oh my god, I am going to read every M&M fic you post because that pairing is total DN love. ♥
WTF Matt x Mello M&Ms just popped into my head. That's worthy of iconifying."
And, true to my word, I did iconify it:
Free for the taking. Please credit. Blame me if you'll never be able to eat M&Ms again.
Now, I'm off to take my driven test to get my license. Wish me luck, for I need it. Because I'm nervous as all get-out.
Grandma didn't have her current insurance card, so I wasn't allowed to take the test. -_-;; Now, I'm hugely upset because I want to get this over and done with, damn it!