Hey!Say!JUMP 三周年おめでとう ^^

Sep 24, 2010 22:20

I realised that I have post this everywhere(fb, lj, twitter, japbog) except for here >.<
OMG super failure...

Hey!Say!JUMP 三周年おめでとう
It had really been so long since I supported them!!!
Maybe a lot of u all may not noe this as I created LJ, Facebook n Twitter acc not for a very long time =.=
But actually, I have supported them (members individually) before they even debuted...
Ever since Ya-Ya-Yah n J.J.Express...
So it had been 4yrs++ already ^^

Today was a great day too as I finally got my HSJ DVD even thou it was late T_T
Not to say I met up with some JUMP fans in SG...
Too bad I can't stay long with them as I was too sick D:
But they are really great ppl ^^


To tell the truth...initially I do not support this idea of HSJ as Ya-Ya-Yah was disbanded :(
But I can't help but to love them!!!
I will continue to support JUMP for 100yrs not it is FOREVER ^^

P.S. Sry..it seems so slipshot...I m too sick to write a better one T_T

yamada ryosuke 山田涼介, inoo kei 伊野尾慧, yabu kota 薮宏太, birthday post, nakajima yuto, yaotome hikaru 八乙女光, hey say jump, morimoto ryutaro 森本龍太郎, hey say 7, hey say best, arioka daiki 有岡大貴, okamoto keito 岡本圭人, takaki yuya 高木雄也, chinen yuri 知念侑李

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