NYC Boys performance at Kohaku

Jan 01, 2010 13:08

As u all noe...NYC Boys apperar at Kohaku...
So i hav uploaded the vid to veoh...
When i first saw the performance...
I was there WTH is with their costumes!!!
Neon light all around haha XD
But I really dun like it when they put so much focus on Yama-chan, Chii n Yuma (even thou I m a fan)
Cos i really pity B.I.Shadow...there is too little of them...
Anyway there is a rumour that NYC Boys will become a permanent unit but i hope tt it will not be true...

matsumura hokuto 松村北斗, b.i.shadow, yamada ryosuke 山田涼介, kochi yuugo 高地優吾, nakayama yuma with b.i.shadow, kikuchi fuma 菊池風磨, nakajima kento 中島健人, kohaku utagassen 紅白歌合戦, nyc boys, chinen yuri 知念侑李

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