Jan 11, 2009 13:11
LJ, forgive me. It has been more than ten months since my last entry. These are my updates...
This may or may not be my last year in school, depending on whether I decide to return out east to spend a few weeks in Elsipogtog (the reserve which I call home). Cesar and I (yes we're still together after five years) made the trip out in mid-December and as soon as I got back to Toronto I realized how much I really miss everyone there. I'm hoping to learn to learn the art of traditional basking weaving and embroidery from my aunt Peggy upon my return, both of which are identified as women's crafts but that has never stopped me before (that and I would like to find some way to ensure the knowledge is preserved).
As the majority of my classes this term are fourth year, I only have one mid-term and one final to worry about. That said, the reading load looks to be near redonkulous and I really should be starting at least tomorrow's soon (ever the procrastinator). The Professor of my Anthropology of New Technologies course actually remembered me from two years ago when she was the TA of another course in which I was enrolled. I suppose I should take that as a complement? I'm not much of a public speaker, so formulating something intelligent and then conveying it in one piece can prove difficult at times. Then at others, I suggest concepts worth of thesis papers. I'd settle for something perhaps more reliable inbetween.
My Father passed away the year before last. I suspect he had known about his health conditions before he moved out east to Nova Scotia years ago, and didn't tell anyone because... well... that was the type of man he was (in many ways I understand his motivations). I haven't yet had the opportunity to pay my respects... I dream of him sometimes... and enjoy perusing the few personal effects of his I received.
My Mother pulled up stakes and moved to Elsipogtog rather suddently... I'm not certain if she has yet found employment with the band office as she had hoped. Time seems to work differently there, and it can be frustrating for those ill-equipped. Things seem to happen in their own time in any case.
Well I guess thats it for now :)