So today was also somewhat productive. slept in, again. yay! then, got up, got dressed, and headed over to St. James. Now, if you're from south florida you're saying, hey, that sounds familiar.... well, it should. you all heard about how a gasoline tanker went off of i-95 and blew up in the back of a church parking lot? that was the church. thank god station 19 was right there (station 19 is also the station where the paramedics once observed about me they've watched me grow up, as they've responded so much to this house with my dad). yeah. i went to st. james for k-3rd, and that's where i was baptized and made my 1st communion. so. i'd have been very sad if the church had burned down.
so, why was i out there? i was photographing the wreckage left over. in color. i have almost two rolls full. i'm going to go back tomorrow or monday maybe and shoot it in black and white.
the wild thing was... on the colonades holding up the highway... right by where some homeless people live, there are dozens up donzens of newspaper clippings pasted up on the highway. some of them were singed off, but i shot as much of it as i could. plus. with the color scheme of the whole thing, i think black and white will suit it better.
you can bet i'm going to show some of these shots in class. i'm going to have to go tuesday and print, as well as stay after english class and print. mmhmm. not waiting till thursday. no no no. should have gone the other day, but no dinero to get the film processed. maybe mom will take care of it for me... maybe.
so yesterday, my dears, has been fairly productive, considering i got up at 9:14, hit the head, looked at the clock, said screw this, and went back to bed until around 12:30ish. ahhahaa. made breakfast/lunch, lounged about, messed with the birds some, then decided it was a nice day and headed outside to start reading It Begins with Tears for my black women's lit class. it seems interesting so far, but i only got up to around page 39 or so, and i think i have to get to around 100 for monday. the anorack (however you spell it) aren't that comfortable in the back yard, and the sun was shining quite glaringly upon the more comfortable park bench, so i gave up the great out doors for my bed. didn't read much more, got up, futzed around on the computer and then decided to see about picking up some of room.
I'm horridly messy. my clothes are everywhere but the closet and dresser. the excuse used to be that there was no room in neither, but at this point there is room because everything is out and strewn about haphazardly. arg. so i'm working on doing that at the moment. i'm quite annoyed, there's a pink sweater with three stains on it and i have no idea where the stains came from. rar. and i'm not sure they're going to come out. so. my plan for the sweater is as thus:
1) try to clean it
2) if cleaning is not possible, bleach it
3) dye it some shade of purple
4) hope it comes out
yeah. that's the plan for the pink sweater.
Talking to Tony about the new PS3. well... i won't be getting one anytime soon, way too much money, but there are some awesome PS2 games out that look great. for the randomness of it, stolen from emily:
1. Have you ever been to Key Biscayne, after dark?
yes, why?
2. Have you been to, or know of the "insane asylum" on Crome?
::sigh:: know if it, want to go photograph it, but don't know where it is.
3. What Elementary, Middle and High Schools did you go to?
St. James (yeah, the one that almost burnt down the other day after a tanker flew off of 95)
4. Have you ever bought churros/mamonsios from a street vendor?
5. One "Calle Ocho Festival" memory:
Never went. my folks weren't into street festivals
6. Have you ever jumped off the pier?
What pier? i've jumped off a few, you must be specific!
7. Did you protest for Elian?
hell naw
8. Where were you during Hurricane Andrew?
in my room. sleeping.
9. Bigger celebration: Heat winning the Championship or Fidel being hospitalized?
hmm... that's a tough call. i think more people cared that fidel was sick...
10. Better album: Pitbull's: M.I.A.M.I or Rick Ross: Port Of Miami?
Rick Ross... i can mostly understand that, as opposed to Pitbull's reggeaton
11. Club 609 back in the day or Mansion now-a-days?
i'm going to say 609, even though i've been to neither, but back in the "day" all the clubs were better evidently, especially the rock ones...
12. Do you have or know someone with 26" rims?
personally, no... but the roll around my neighborhood on a daily basis, so i'm familiar with them.
13. Santa's Enchanted Forest or The Fair?
Neither. Ren Fest!
14. Best Cuban Restaurant?
i don't know... never been to one. someone want to take me?
15. Hotwheels or Thunderwheels?
hot wheels!
16. Hot spot after the club Dennys or Tacobell?
denny's. cheese fries.