Too excited, can't sleep!

Jul 31, 2009 01:56

So for those of you who have no idea what's been going on with me:

It's been 13 weeks since my last update. That's what lj is telling me. That's like 3 months. 1/4 of the year and I've not written a damn thing on here. The irony is, I'm on here like every day seeing what everyone else is up to. And I don't even have the time to be like, "oh I'm working today, lah dee dah."

Kinda crazy.


We have a wedding plan!! We're going to get married NEXT September (2010 for those of you who don't know what 'next' means.. believe me, I've been asked) at the Renaissance Festival. We don't have an exact date yet cuz they're working on the wedding plans for those who are getting married at THIS year's Ren Fest. More details will come later about that.
I have been sticking to my gun about savings. So far, we've successfully put away 10% of each of our paychecks since the beginning of June! It seems like it's been a lot longer than that, though. What's even better is, I figured out how much money we'd have if we had started saving that 10% as soon as we got engaged, and I managed to put all that money into savings, too! So it's LIKE we've been saving as soon as we got engaged! So far, we have about $1,100 in the savings account. We would've had more, but I had to pay my mom back (long story).
I'm proud of our savings. I've also figured that our wedding is going to be around $5-6,000 with everything included, which I think is a pretty awesome deal, considering everyone at MTS' average wedding was about $10-12,000.

I'm full-time at Yankee. Never thought it would happen. The 1st Assistant position is open again (this will be the 3rd time since I've been at South Hills), and I'm trying for the position. I can only do my best, so we'll see where that gets me. I've been very happy working with everyone there and I hope I get that opportunity. :) It'll be awesome.

I didn't even get a chance to post about my car accident!!!
I got hit like a month and a half ago. The damage was mostly cosmetic, but I'm still upset about it. The thing was, it was my first accident and I didn't know what to do, so everything that I should've done, I didn't do, so filing the claim was kind of difficult. I didn't get enough information from the driver that hit me so it's been very difficult trying to track down the responsible party so I don't have to pay anything to get my car fixed. It really is aggravating.

Also, I got my hair cut twice today. Let me explain this one.
I've been wanting to get my hair cut for a while now, but I've just been putting it off. Today I got my oil changed at WalMart (which I was also putting off), so I decided while I waited to get my hair cut. I told the lady that I wanted a few inches off the bottom because it's getting too hot to have my hair as long as it was. It took her about 15 minutes, and she only cut off like 1/2" if she cut off anything, and I paid $17 for it. I should have been like, "lady there's no hair on the floor, I'm not paying that," but I'm weak-willed and I paid it and left. I was so pissed the whole way to work that I didn't say anything to her. I got to work and told Veronica that I (didn't) get my hair cut. Could I even consider it a trim?? She told me that I should spend a few extra dollars and get a really good cut. I couldn't justify paying twice for a haircut, but she told me exactly what to say and to not be such a pusswagon about it. She also said, "clock in an hour late and get your hair cut!!" So that's exactly what I did. I went down, got my hair cut exactly how I wanted it, and was very happy with the result. Paying another $33 kinda hurt, though. I'm gonna try to go to WalMart tomorrow and be like, "I got my hair cut twice yesterday. Guess which one I didn't like" and try and get my money back. It probably won't work, though.

But anyway, the reason I'm so excited and can't sleep!
I just worked 9 days in a row. It's been a long time since I worked that many days in a row. The reason I was scheduled for that many was because Veronica felt bad about me working whole weekends as often as I was, so she let me have a weekend off (Fri-Sun). Shawn and I are going CAMPING!!! We have a tent already, we just bought an air mattress, and we have most of the other camping stuff that we will need. I'm so excited because it's just going to be me, him, and our tent. I've never been camping before and I'm so excited to be trying something new with him. I've been looking forward to this for WEEKS! I killed the battery on my camera so I could charge it back up so I can take all kinds of awesome pictures while we're up there. I'm also going to have my cell off the whole time. I think it'd just take away from the experience if I'm texting away on it (I don't really text anyone anyway). Plus no one really calls me either. But I will change my voice mail message for the first time in 3 1/2 years! I'm also excited about that. How dorky am I??!?!

Ok, so I can't think of anything else monumental that has happened in the four months that I haven't updated.
Oh! Shawn's and my two-year anniversary is coming up at the end of August! This camping trip is kind of what we planned to do for our anni, but since Veronica gave me this weekend off, we decided to do it early. :) I love him. <3

Ok, really out of things to say. and I've been typing for like, 1/2 hour. And it's 2:30 in the morning. I think I'm gonna try to go to sleep. Or watch TV.

I hope this post keeps you entertained for the next 4 months. :)
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