Jun 27, 2006 11:33
Thank GOD for the Phillipines. Mabuhay Pinoy.
I just found out that two of my fave <3 TV personas that I've crushed on my life are the same hotty pinoy: Dante Basco. He's better known as Rufio ("Who's afraid of the big bad Hook?") and Prince Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender).
And he's way hot.
More on REAL life: Andrew called me 13 times in 3 hours the other day because my ringer was off. So it's off again today. Because I know longer WANT to answer.
Some guy on OKCupid who I've never spoken to before asked to meet me. Creeeepy.
I haven't had any special crushes (Zuko does NOT count. Neither do Axel, Demyx, or Riku.) on anyone in a while. A long while. But now I have two.
dubya tee eff?! Why do they always come in packs?!
More info as it develops.
In other news: WoW was supposed to be up thirty minutes ago. But I figured it wouldn't be. So why am I so pissed?
Le sigh.
I honestly can't think of how to describe this mood. I'm not actually pissed. Or happy. Certaintly not sad, either. A little bored, but that's not all. Just... Completely blank. It's splendid. I could use this state more often... Too bad it's so rare.
It feels as if my body is moving of its own accord. It's pretty relaxing, actually.