cause sometimes you just gotta have some ABBA......ROFL!

Sep 13, 2007 20:53

Seriously, ABBA just rocks. And don't hate, cause I can totally rock out to them. HELL YEAH! LOL!

Anyways, *rofl*, look at me making more regualar post. hahaha! Okay, actually this is a meme. But I would really love to read what you, my lovely, beautiful and wonderful lj friends have to say. So please do this (I'll beg if I have to, no shame, for reals!) for me.

this was *coughstolencough* from the_glory_days.

1) Name:
2) Birthday:
3) Place of residence:
4) What makes you happy:
5) What are you listening to/have listened to last:
6) Do you read my lj:
7) If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it:
8) An interesting fact about you:
9) Are you in love/have a crush at the moment? Who is it?:
10) Favourite place to be:
11) Favourite lyric:
12) Best time of the year:
13) Weird thing about you:
14) Do farts make you laugh:


1) A film:
2) A book:
3) A band, a song and an album:


1) One thing (or more) you like about me:
2) Two things you like about yourself:
3) Post this in your lj so I can tell you what I think of you.

p.s. mad freaking love to all of you! especially the wonderful venus_moon for just being the biggest sweetheart I have had the pleasure of adding. lol! XOXOXO!

abba, meme, begging, venus_moon and the_glory_days shoutouts

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