taking a risk and this is what i get.

Mar 18, 2007 06:27

okay so i just got a tattoo.

i have always wanted one....and i finally got it.

it didnt hurt. it was kinda harsh at the beginning, but later it just felt like it does when you are driving in the car and the sun keeps hitting your skin. yeah, 0_o, like that. lol.

its pretty plain and it reads, "AWAKE AND UNAFRAID" on my wrist.

my mom still doesnt know about it. and she is probably going to kill me when she does find out. and i cant wait to see and hear what everyone at work are going to say......i know alot of them are going to say i was stupid for getting it. my mom included in that group. ugh.

i dont regret the look, saying and feel of the tattoo. its something that i feel moved me and i wanted that on me. like a mantra, if you will. its special to me. i mean from the moment i first heard "famous last words" from my chemical romance, i cried. i dont think a song has ever hit me like that. it was very ground moving to me and i fully think that song is something that i truly hope to be able to sing to one day and say, yes.....thats how i truly feel. "cause i see you lying next to me, awake and unafraid,......i am not afraid to keep on living, i am not afraid to walk this world alone."

the only thing that is making my stomach lurch and twist with nausea, my nerves stand on end, the tears fall from my face, and this unbelieveable feeling of stupidity and regret is not what my mom and dad will say. NO! its not what co-workers will say/think. NO! its not what family or strangers will think/say, nah-uh. its the fact that i got done on the wrong wrist. ARGH!

how could i have not thought it out!!!! i got it done on my freaking right wrist.....the one i use the most, the one i flash everyone with. the one i will be shaking possible future employers hands with and there will be my fucken tattoo beaming up at them. everyone will be seeing it. there is no hiding it. even as i type its peeking on the curve of my wrist. *screams*

HOW STUPID COULD I BE??!?!?!?!?!?! i feel like the fucken biggest idiot ever. how could i have not thought this throughly. *sigh*. i feel so regretful. and i hate that sooooooooooooo much! i didnt want to regret it. i DIDNT! and now.....i am thinking about how much laser removal cost. i mean.....if i was doing what i wanted to be doing in life, i wouldnt care.....but like i said, i will be looking for a job soon and that means the big stereotyping that comes with bearing a tattoo.....sad and stupid, but true. there is no going around that.

i feel like i just set myself up for failure.....*hangs head in utter embarrassment*

regret sucks. and it also makes me very nauseated. i want to barf. i want to cry, and i want to scream. *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

i just cant believe it.

damn! damn! damn! damn!



you dont have to comment.....but if you do.....please tell me your HONEST and TRUTHFUL opinion. please. thank you.
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