Tuesday, Room 232

Nov 07, 2006 23:15

Sakura was scribbling furiously in a tiny purple notebook, with a ballpoint pen that matched the purple poly cover. The lines on the small pages were horizontal, yet her scribbles went vertical. From a distance it looked rather like she was... well, just scribbling. But to anyone with knowledge of Asian cultures or linguistics, it was clear she was scribbling in sloppy Japanese.

 それは11 月今である。冬の壊れ目は12 月にする考える何が... 浮びあがるか。私は私が来る資金を訪問有するが多分私が約束したそれらの映像を送ることに最終的に得ることができればかどうか知らない。私はちょうどエドをオタクであることを停止し、私のために提起するように確信させなければならない。多分私はアルフオンス薫の助けを入隊できる。私は私が卒業するが、私が実際にホームシックになっていることを言わなければならないときファンドムの最高を心から逃そうと思っている。私は逃すあなたおよび私の父を... 私は私が陶冶を逃すポイントにほとんど得ている! あなたのより古い兄弟を逃しにはずっと始めるとき家から離れている余りに長く権利ことを知っているか。よく、私は言うために実際に多くを得なかった私は別の手紙をすぐに送ることを望む。さん!


She tore the two pages her scribbling took up out of the notebook and tore off the perforated edges, then folded them in half and slid them into a tiny envelope. She addressed the envelope and set it on the edge of her desk, reminding herself to take it to the Post Office in town to be mailed off tomorrow. She smiled a bit at the envelope sitting on the desk, then rolled onto her back on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

She dreaded graduation and the inevitible goodbye it would require, but she couldn't wait to go home.

[Not necessarily made for interaction, and I can't guarantee my presence for much longer, but if you wanna poke her, have at.]
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