Really need to find something else to do with my spare time... I pretty much live at the street courts these days. Maybe I should join a new club at school. What though...?
Then stop letting them drag you off, since you're getting tired of going there. Otherwise don't whine about it. Because they're just going to do the same thing even if you try to join a club instead. They already tease me anyhow just for being so young and for thinking I can do all the same work as them because of it. You'd think after a few years of doing this and with most of them having known me since I was a kid thanks to being old work buddies with Otousan, they'd eventually give it a rest. But no, they still think I should be behind a convenience store counter or waiting tables like a normal teenager instead of working in a construction yard with them. ...Seriously, Masa. Can you honestly imagine me trying to be a cashier or a waiter?
Pretty much~ He's a great guy, and I've learned a lot of great things through him ever since we became partners. And I'll use all of it next year to improve my game and win all my matches and make him proud of me~
[OOC: And watch Tetsu insert the dagger into Sakurai's chest without missing a beat. ^^;;]
Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Just like being somewhere where I know I'm actually wanted having trouble saying no. ... I think you'd actually look quite good as a waiter. I mean, you'd suck at the job itself, but it'd be interesting seeing you all dressed up like that on a regular basis. Not to mention amusing as all hell~
That'll be good to see. Though... don't think I'm going to continue with tennis next year.
(ooc: first strike deleted. And Tetsu's getting good at that~ >>;)
Just tell them you're busy with something else, or just honestly tell them to find someone else because you're not in the mood to go. ...Not helpful. And while I can tolerate the occasional suit and tie, it's not something I think I could ever put on on a regular basis. So there goes the possibility of me ever attempting something like an office job also.
Eh~? Why not? I need a rival! Who's gonna be my rival if you don't play next year?
Alright, alright. But there better be something for me to do when I get to wherever you are at the time or I'll take my frustration at boredom out on you. ...Yeah, I can't see you in an office. You can barely sit still for five minutes.
I dunno. Shin? Kamio? I'm just... not feeling it anymore. You know I hate singles.
Hey, you're the one who said they didn't want to keep going to the street courts all the time anymore. Don't get cranky with me for offering you an alternative. ...Besides, I'm naturally tons of fun to be around, so you have nothing to worry about. Oi~! That's not true~! I can sit still for as long as I want! ...I just normally don't want to. But it doesn't really matter either way. As whatever career path I take, I think it's going to have to be a hands-on kind of job. A blue-collar job of some sort. And while most of them don't pay as much as those desk jobs and I'm sure Kaasan will be upset and worry because of that, I'd still rather do something I like doing and not make a whole lot of money instead of a job I hate that makes a bunch of money.
Kamio doesn't play anymore either, you know that! Track is his thing now. And Shinji... Well, Shinji's Shinji. Plus I never said that just because Kai-san was graduating, I'd be going into singles suddenly. Sure, I doubt whoever I get partnered up with will be as good as Kai-san, but with what I've learned from working with him, I can still use it to work decently with anyone else.
And you're the one who suggested I come see you, so you obviously have something for me to do. ... But, you are right. Growing up, I could never not have fun with you. It is so true, Tetsu. Even when Tachibana-san told you to sit still, you could barely manage.
Well, unlike some people, I haven't been as lucky in finding a new doubles partner. I'm suited to playing doubles with a particular playing style and no one here is available who needs a partner and has that style.
No, not really, aside from the whole making you help me do my job thing. But then, I usually don't have anything planned whenever you come to see me and just end up going with whatever first comes to mind. So, see~? Nothing to worry about~ I've always got something completely random and entertaining up my sleeves~! I'm telling you, that's because I didn't *want* to sit still! There's a difference between being able to and not wanting to!
Well, keep trying! With that kind of attitude about things and sounding like you're wanting to give up, it's no wonder you didn't find a new partner who works well with you! But you think it was easy for me either?! I had no partner at Yamabuki until I started playing with Kai-san! Everyone else the old man tried to put me with was awful and I wanted to kill them by the end of the match! But by random chance, I tried playing with Kai-san and it worked! You might find someone like that for you too!
[OOC: Randomly, do we even know what elementary school Sakurai went to? Was it the same one as Tetsu? I know Tetsu's was listed but I can't recall if Sakurai's was. >>]
I might just have to join the crew in helping tease you then~~ Though I don't mind helping you out, really. It's actually kinda fun. Don't get how the hell you can enjoy doing that everyday but... Whatever works for you, I guess~ This is my believing face~
... I am wanting to give up, Tetsu. I just... don't have the drive for it anymore. And this team... It's not Fudomine. I had the drive, then, when it was us... When it was Fudomine. Seigaku's great. It really is. But the team... isn't for me.
(ooc: Noooope. We know barely anything about Sakurai. He doesn't even have any family information. D: Poor unloved guy...)
...You're mean. Siding with the enemy like that. They think you're too young to be hanging around there also, you know, and are heckling you behind your back when you try to help me. ...But I guess I've just gotten used to doing handy work and repairs and building things thanks to being around Otousan when we were younger, so working in a construction yard is just pretty much second nature to me at this point. So unsupportive of a best friend...
...But... ...I'm sorry. I can't agree with that. ...Believe me, I do miss what we had as a team back at Fudoumine, but that doesn't mean that I want things to stop just because we're not there anymore. That doesn't mean I've stopped giving myself those hard to reach goals that I want to strive for. ...We never made it to the finals, but I still want to see if I can fight my way there, even if it's with a different team. ...And of course, they're by no means anything like Fudoumine, and they're probably going to be far far weaker next year, because we'll be losing most of the foundation that Yamabuki's team was built on. But I'm still going to try, because I can't *not* try. My drive doesn't go away just because I change schools, Masaya.
[OOC: Thought so. Info on him, Mori, and Uchimura sadly seems to be pretty spare. >>; Though that just means we can go ahead and make stuff up if we want~! Which means I'm going to say these two went to the same elementary school until Konomi-sensei tells us otherwise~ And feel free to come up with random crap about him and his folks as well~! :3]
... I know they are. It's not like I care. They've obviously got too much time on their hands if they've got nothing better to do than try and put us down, especially when sometimes it seems like we're getting more work done when I help out than they all are combined. You know I support you wholly and fully, Tetsu.
... And that applies here, too. I don't fault you for it, you know? I'm proud of you. And I'm happy for you.... That you can keep going like this; that you can find it in you to play no matter what the circumstance or the partner or the opponent. You've got a real love for the game and you can adapt because of that passion and I know you can lead the team to victory, Tetsu. And I'll be there the whole time, cheering you on.
(ooc: My thoughts exactly~ And I think I'm just going with Sakurai being an only child with parents who are flexible and understanding but also just want the best for their son.)
Pretty much~ He's a great guy, and I've learned a lot of great things through him ever since we became partners. And I'll use all of it next year to improve my game and win all my matches and make him proud of me~
[OOC: And watch Tetsu insert the dagger into Sakurai's chest without missing a beat. ^^;;]
That'll be good to see. Though... don't think I'm going to continue with tennis next year.
(ooc: first strike deleted. And Tetsu's getting good at that~ >>;)
Eh~? Why not? I need a rival! Who's gonna be my rival if you don't play next year?
[OOC: Yeah, it's a gift apparently. >>;]
I dunno. Shin? Kamio? I'm just... not feeling it anymore. You know I hate singles.
Kamio doesn't play anymore either, you know that! Track is his thing now. And Shinji... Well, Shinji's Shinji. Plus I never said that just because Kai-san was graduating, I'd be going into singles suddenly. Sure, I doubt whoever I get partnered up with will be as good as Kai-san, but with what I've learned from working with him, I can still use it to work decently with anyone else.
Well, unlike some people, I haven't been as lucky in finding a new doubles partner. I'm suited to playing doubles with a particular playing style and no one here is available who needs a partner and has that style.
Well, keep trying! With that kind of attitude about things and sounding like you're wanting to give up, it's no wonder you didn't find a new partner who works well with you! But you think it was easy for me either?! I had no partner at Yamabuki until I started playing with Kai-san! Everyone else the old man tried to put me with was awful and I wanted to kill them by the end of the match! But by random chance, I tried playing with Kai-san and it worked! You might find someone like that for you too!
[OOC: Randomly, do we even know what elementary school Sakurai went to? Was it the same one as Tetsu? I know Tetsu's was listed but I can't recall if Sakurai's was. >>]
... I am wanting to give up, Tetsu. I just... don't have the drive for it anymore. And this team... It's not Fudomine. I had the drive, then, when it was us... When it was Fudomine. Seigaku's great. It really is. But the team... isn't for me.
(ooc: Noooope. We know barely anything about Sakurai. He doesn't even have any family information. D: Poor unloved guy...)
...I'm sorry. I can't agree with that. ...Believe me, I do miss what we had as a team back at Fudoumine, but that doesn't mean that I want things to stop just because we're not there anymore. That doesn't mean I've stopped giving myself those hard to reach goals that I want to strive for. ...We never made it to the finals, but I still want to see if I can fight my way there, even if it's with a different team. ...And of course, they're by no means anything like Fudoumine, and they're probably going to be far far weaker next year, because we'll be losing most of the foundation that Yamabuki's team was built on. But I'm still going to try, because I can't *not* try. My drive doesn't go away just because I change schools, Masaya.
[OOC: Thought so. Info on him, Mori, and Uchimura sadly seems to be pretty spare. >>; Though that just means we can go ahead and make stuff up if we want~! Which means I'm going to say these two went to the same elementary school until Konomi-sensei tells us otherwise~ And feel free to come up with random crap about him and his folks as well~! :3]
... And that applies here, too. I don't fault you for it, you know? I'm proud of you. And I'm happy for you.... That you can keep going like this; that you can find it in you to play no matter what the circumstance or the partner or the opponent. You've got a real love for the game and you can adapt because of that passion and I know you can lead the team to victory, Tetsu. And I'll be there the whole time, cheering you on.
(ooc: My thoughts exactly~ And I think I'm just going with Sakurai being an only child with parents who are flexible and understanding but also just want the best for their son.)
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