What a fucking day.
Getting attacked by stress the second your feet hit the floor is bad, but when
vitiosuslepros arrives at your house soon after, everything seems better. We ate lunch, drove around and looked at office furniture. I found a desk with a built-in USB hub, which cost roughly $100 more than I'll be able to spend on a desk for the rest of this year. But it was the kind of day where looking at office furniture with the love of your life was probably the best activity imaginable.
Somewhere in all this, I made up with my mother; a fight we had a few weeks ago left us not really on speaking terms, but I think a mutual understanding has been reached.
I'm incredibly excited about eating sushi on Saturday with the afore mentionted Ms.
vitiosuslepros, as well as her friend
sapientimp, who I have only kinda-sorta met in person. Looking at office furniture is great, but sushi has a special significance for Jasmine and me. On our first date, we ate sushi at Wasabi here in Fayetteville, the interior of which makes you think Brett Easton Ellis characters are probably snorting coke in the bathroom (and the fact that they were playing Depeche Mode when we walked in really did nothing to lessen that feeling). Sushi has always been the thing we do to treat ourselves, and we have not done it enough. I love sushi enough already, but whenever I eat it with Jasmine, it means I am going to have an absolutely fantastic day.
And since this has turned into an all about Jasmine post, I'm going to also formally welcome her to the KXUA family, as starting next Friday, she will be filling the empty slot after my goth show with a glam show. I'm afraid of stealing her thunder on making the announcement, but she also doesn't tend to write about personal stuff on LJ in a timely fashion. It will be amazing, and I demand you all listen to it even if you ignore my dark little corner of the public airwaves.
So while my day started out as a huge pit of stress, it has ended with me feeling strangely peaceful, and feeling like I really have a pretty cool life.