Ugh.... NOT good times right now D= My laptop has finally decided to say goodbye. It's gone. It is officially not working.
However! I will give it credit for having pretty good timing, as I had just ordered my new one that day :D
Only problem is these few days that I'm waiting for it. I'm using my dad's computer at the moment but the problems with that are:
a) it won't type in Japanese >:(
b) I'm only allowed on a few select sites because I will "get viruses" if I start being too adventurous. >:P So I am not allowed on dramacrazy because there are always loads of pop-ups on it. So no drama. ToT So I have to actually go to an internet centre to watch drama, which obviously means... none at night time!! D=
I spent my day yesterday cleaning my room, sorting through clothes, watching tv (which I never do), and painting my nails. I went to bed at 10.30 :S
Anyway, blog entry!! ^^
Good evening!
The stage greeting in Saga has ended!!
Woah, Saga is warm
And like, Saga beef is so good!!!
Fukuoka & Kitakyushu
Good evening!
Yesterday was the stage greeting in Fukuoka, and the first time I went to the food cart was in the evening~♪
And today was the patrol boat event in Fukuoka and the stage greeting in Kitakyushu!
And I went to the Okura sushi shop for the first time in a year
It was nice that the boss also seemed to be in good spirits
/end of entry
Sounds like he's been busy? ^^
And yes, that's all I've got for this week :(
Although I'm kind of grateful he didn't update everyday what with my limited internet time at the moment O_o
Your comments are appreciated☆