In light of the extraordinarily high number of people I know who have been quote "Fucked by the school because of X, Y, and Z," I am starting to wonder what has happened to the responsibilities of the student in the classroom [or God forbid, responsibility in general]. Let's be honest -- how many people do you know who claim to be the helpless victims of faculty and administrative reigns of autocratic terror?
I'm sick and fucking tired of people telling me that I "just don't understand what it's like to take a class like such-and-such 300 with so-and-fucking-so." I may have grown up in the twilight zone, but as long as I have been in school, it has been the student's responsibility to learn the material by whatever means possible and earn their own grades, thank you very much. If someone in a class can achieve a decent grade, then there's no reason why anyone else couldn't do just as well.
And since when is it the teacher's duty to hand out notes, write passable tests, and spoon-feed their honors classes instant thesis paper, complete with citations and supporting quotations? And rewrites?
I'm sure there's a sound reason why so many of my acquaintances are on academic probation or have had to change their life plans because of however many failed classes. And even though I think those reason are full of pure bullshit, I can still pretend it isn't their fault and there's nothing they could have done to prevent these types of things from happening to them... if only so I don't get shanked in my sleep by the dregs of academic society.