Title: Before the Cherry Blossoms Bloomed, Parts 1+2 out of 6
Characters: Byakuya/Hisana
Spoilers: The three or so pages that comprise the backstory of the two characters
Summary: Character studies that snowballed into a multi-chapter novella of their histories, both before they meet and after.
NB: The story alternates between Byakuya and Hisana's POVs, and was originally written as two separate stories. It can in fact be read that way - you'll see that the two POVs are written in fairly different styles. However, it will be much more confusing if read separately rather than alternately.
Warnings: The language can be rough in parts. Mentions of violence. It would probably rate a PG-13 or R if it were shot into a movie, depending on how detailed the depiction of the violence was.
Disclaimers: Don't own Bleach or any of its characters [insert rest of obligatory legal formalities].
Byakuya Part I: Violets in the Night Sky Hisana Part I: Sketches of Scarlet Byakuya Part II: Faded Crocuses Hisana Part II: Sketches of Whitecross-posted at