Title: A Special Incentive
ldybastetPairing: Byakuya/Renji
Summary: For some, not bleeding and not being in pain is not motivational enough to stay unharmed in battle. Byakuya thinks Renji is one of those people.
Rating: R
Content: D/s hints, medical kink, sounding, established relationship
Disclaimer: The world and characters of Bleach belong to Kubo Tite. I've borrowed the characters and put them in a completely different situation in an attempt at transformative work. No money is earned by me, and no people, neither real nor fictional, were harmed in the writing of this story.
Notes: ~1520 words. Written for the kink bingo challenge, for the prompt 'medical kink'. Big thanks to
misumaru for the beta. ♥
A Special Incentive