fan fic dump

Dec 04, 2011 11:42

So due to insane amounts of trips to the computer lab this semester and literally running out of stuff to do at school in my copious amounts of free time, my notebook is literally filled with ficcage. So here's a couple that I've typed up. Some are being contemplated for postage.

Title: Dame
Word Count:327
Fandom: Digimon Xros Wars/Hunters
Character's: Yuu and Damemon
Summary: He deserved the punishment he was getting for everything he had done in the Digital World, but knowing that didn't make the pain go away.
Damemon, Yuu thought. I’m so sorry

Yuu stood in the park looking at the small tunnel that he now found unimaginable that he once fit into the tiny crawl space. This tunnel had been when he first met Damemon, his partner and friend.

Yuu had hoped that Damemon would return when Taiki got hold of the Code Crown. Ever other digimon returned except for Damemon. He supposed it was because those digimon had sacrificed themselves for their friends and the digital world, or because they had died unjustly at the hands of the Bagra Army. Damemon, however, at died at the hands of Yuu.
Yuu had killed so many innocent digimon during his time in the digital world. He was under the illusion that it was simply a virtual reality game where nothing died. Death was what he feared the most and yet he had brought so much of it with his own hands. He even had almost killed his sister and Taiki. Someone like him didn’t deserve a second chance or his digimon partner back.

He stared at his yellow Xros Loader. He didn’t know why he had one. He had only used it once, and even then it was simply to xros Taiki’s digimon for him. His cynical side supposed he had it as a cruel reminder of his crimes and consequences. The innocent child inside him, that had long since been buried, latched on to the hope that Damemon would come back.

Tears began to fill Yuu’s eyes and he took of running away from the park.
"Dame, dame, dame," he berated himself, under his breath with Damemon’s speech tic, as he continued running headed for his apartment.

He almost stopped to throw his Xros Loader at wall along the sidewalk, but something seemed to stop his arm mid throw. His arm was tense and he swore he heard Damemon’s voice reprimanding him every so gently yet disappointed at the same time.

"Dame,dame,dame, Yuu."

Title: Left Behind
Word Count:148
Fandom: Digimon Xros Wars
Character's: Akari
Summary: She wished she could have gone back to the Digital World, but fate was cruel.

Akari sighed. She should have known that Taiki would go looking for a way back to the Digital World as soon as they had finally made it back home. It was had bad habit and she couldn’t blame him for it. They had made so many friends, and to think that they were suffering now under the Bagra Army’s control.

She wished she and Zenjirou could have gone back with Taiki. It wasn’t fair. They were part of Xros Heart too even if they didn’t have a Xros Loader. At least Zenjirou should have gone. Zenjirou could wield the Star Sword and could lead in Taiki’s place.

Akari sighed. It made sense why she couldn’t go. The only thing she did was hold Cutemon, and find cushions for Taiki when he over exerted himself and fainted.

"Come back safe, Taiki," she called softly, "and protect all our friends."

Title: Misinterpretation
Word Count:202
Fandom: Digimon Xros Wars
Character's: Akari, Taiki, and Zenjirou
Summary: Things aren't always as they seem. Perhaps next time they would check the name of the zone they landed in.

"Zenjirou, why are you flicking my goggles?" Taiki asked, confused.

"Because Kudou Taiki you always do that when you get a brilliant idea, and we really need one right now."

"I do?" Taiki replied, confused and unaware of yet another one of his idiosyncrasies.

"Never mind that, Taiki, we could really use an idea right now," Akari cried, clutching Cutemon in her arms.

"Ah right," Taiki replied.

"That’s not very confident," Zenjirou cried.

"Shut up! You’re distracting him," Akari argued

"And what exactly is the problem? Taiki asked, oblivious.

"The digimon headed straight for us!" Zenjirou shouted, grabbing Taiki’s head and aiming it straight towards the sight.

A moment passed and then, "I don’t see one," Taiki replied, slowly.

"What? But it was just there," Zenjirou insisted confused by the disappearance of the rampaging digimon.

"Zenjirou, you dummy," Akari huffed.

"Akari," Zenjirou shouted turning on her," you saw it too. You were clutching Cutemon and begging Taiki for help."

"Was not," Akari insisted, cheek flushing red.

"This is Mirage Zone, kyu," Cutemon piped up from Akari arms.

"Arg, I just want to go home," Akari complained frustrated. "Stop laughing, Taiki, it’s not funny."

"Sorry Akari," Taiki apologized trying to represses his chuckles.

Title: Musings of a Son
Word Count:259
Fandom: Digimon Frontier
Character's: Yuriko Kanbara
Summary: Her son had left as one person and returned as another. Yuriko's thoughts on this strange phenomena

Yuriko found it strange the sudden behavior change in her son. It was welcomed of course, but startling. Takuya had been fighting with Shinya all day like usually, which wasn’t the startling part. Nor was him trying to sneak a strawberry off Shinya’s cake while she was on the phone with Hiroaki. However Takuya had got up and left suddenly and that’s when she figured the change had happened.

Takuya had been gone less than and hour, but the Takuya that returned was different, more mature. He happily celebrated Shinya’s birthday even going so far as getting him a present. Then they had played video games, and they managed not to fight once. Takuya, she suspected, had even let Shinya win a couple of times.

Although she liked Takuya finally becoming a responsible older brother, she couldn’t help but worry about what had brought on the change. What could happen in less than an hour to completely change a person? What was even more startling was the fact that he had gained five close friends in a span of an hour. They behaved like they had known each other for ages and not that they had meant for an hour.

Yuriko sighed. She might never know what changed her son or what happened, but at least it no ill effects. Takuya was still happy, perhaps better than she had ever seen him. Takuya’s change was even having a positive effect on Shinya as they got along better and better. She smiled. Perhaps she would fix Takuya’s favorite dinner tonight.

This next one is part of a collection of stories revolving around Takuya and rain. So far I've only typed up one
Title: Rainy Days
Word Count:413
Fandom: Digimon Frontier
Character's: Takuya and Izumi
Summary: Rainy days sucked, and school just made it worse.

"Ugh it’s raining again," Takuya Kanbara sighed as he looked out the window of his math class. Math was the last place he wanted to be, and the depression and gloomy feeling brought with the rain wasn’t helping. He looked at the mud soaked fields slick with rain and knew soccer practice would be cancelled again. This week filled with the constant rain was getting annoying. He wished the sun would come out and bring some happiness and energy back into his life.

"Ow what was that for?" Takuya hissed turning to face the blonde girl behind him who had just roughly jammed her pencil into his back.

"Pay attention," she hissed back, motioning to the teacher scanning the classroom looking for an unlucky soul to solve the next math problem.

With a sigh Takuya turned his attention back on the lesson not to keen to find the values of ‘X’ or find the polynomial equation. His headed started to drop however as the lethargy returned. He couldn’t help it. The rain physically exhausted him since he was the embodiment of fire. The rain was trying to suffocate and drown him. Izumi wouldn’t understand, but Kouji might. Kouji was the embodiment of light, and when it rained it was always gray out.

"Honestly." He heard Izumi mumble before she jabbed him again with her pencil. "Why do I always have to look out for him?"

As a response Takuya quickly lifted his head up, but the teacher had already set his sights on Takuya as the next victim.

"Takuya Kanbara what equation gives you the answer on the board?" the teacher called motioning to the chalk writing.

Takuya sighed internally. He hated foiling. He could care less about what equation yielded (X+5)(X+4).

"X squared plus nine X plus twenty," Izumi whispered.

"Um is it X squared plus nine X plus twenty," Takuya replied to the teacher.

"Correct," the teacher replied returning back to the lesson but not before giving Takuya a look warning him to pay attention.

"Thanks, Izumi," Takuya whispered.

"You owe me," was her reply, "now pay attention."

"I would if the sun was out," he mumbled.

"Pfft. Nuh-uh you would be complaining that you could be playing soccer," Izumi retorted.

Takuya grumbled in response, and he heard Izumi quietly laughing in response behind him. He hated rainy days but it wasn’t so bad with friends. Okay that was a lie. Rainy days sucked period, and school made it worse.

Title: Wanted
Word Count:100
Fandom: Pokemon Special
Character's: Silver
Summary: Silver stared in disgust at the poster in front of him. The kid with the cyndaquil was getting it next time he saw him.

Silver paused in Violet City. Was that a wanted poster? Was that supposed to be him depicted? Silver figured it was probably the kid (what was his name? Gold?) who had caught him at Elm’s lab that was behind this poster. He had seemed dumb enough to be convinced that the abomination in front of Silver was an accurate portrayal.

Silver reached up and tore the picture down, and crumpled it up. At least with this picture they wouldn’t find him. The only thing accurate was his hair and clothes but everyone knows that the face is what identifies you.

xros wars, pokemon special, digimon, fic

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