Finals and band

May 25, 2010 20:39

Finals start tomorrow...kill me now. I get to take my Algebra 2 Honors final, World History B final, and French 2 final tomorrow. I still need to make my note card up for math, read through all my world history notes so I can get an A+ in the class (Mr. H last year said I was the only kid to keep an A+ for so long in his class and joked about trying to fail me. I passed with an A. This is my last chance to be the first person to pass wiht an A+). Luckily Mr. V. is feeding us Bread Co. (more commonly know as Panera's I think) bagels before our french final since he doesn't want us to have to take it on an empty stomach. That is the only good part. Fianls go from 8-1 and then I ahve to be back at school in an hour for M-100 pratice.

I really want to know why it's 90 degrees with 90% humidry in May. This is like July weather. I almopst died seventh hour with parade marching. If drill camp is even hotter this July I think I might die. Hopefully it will be 70 again this year. That was awesome having to wear sweatshirts and pants to drilll camp last year. Cold is always better than hot.

God I do not want to do a last ditch effort of studying I just want school to be over. To bad I have three days of finals but it doesn't get over until a week from today. Somehow I fell like I've ranted about this before so I won't go into detail

school, band

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