To read or not to read... that is the question

May 16, 2010 15:03

God I hate Shakespeare. I have to read all of Julius Caesar and fill out a study guide on it by sometime this week. I'm on the third act reading it on Spark notes because that's the only way I'll understand it. I have to say reading it in present day English and all I still don't get it. All I really know and understand is Caesar dies and beware the Ides of March (March 15)and that's about it. I've also come to realize that all the characters are gay for each other. Especially Cassius, he is defiantly gay for Brutus.

Well must go back to reading Julius Caesar. I'm probably going to bomb this part on the final.

Edit: I just go to the scene were they killed Caesar and it was the most unepic death scene I've ever read. There all on their knees begging Caesar to unbanish Metellus's brother and then they little stage cues simple reads "The conspirators stab Caesar". Then Caesar speaks one line of French for no apparent reason, "Et tu, Bruté?" (the French part was cool cause it was French) then Caesars just go goes along the lines of if Brutus wants me to die then I will and he finally dies. So now I'm starting to think the Caesar was gay for Brutus too. Next thing I know the whole cast is going to be gay for Brutus.

life, school

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