Music Meme, Day 19

Mar 19, 2011 22:40

Directions: EVERY DAY ANSWER ONE QUESTION AND POST A VIDEO OF THE SONG ON YOUR WALL. Label it as... Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc., then that day's question and the Artist and the Song title. HAVE FUN!! :D

Well, I'm rarely one to actually follow a meme's directions.
Looking over the original categories, I can't answer (or don't care) about half of them. So I think I'll go with a bit more free-form style of just picking 30-some-odd songs and writing up a bit about them.
I should say at the default that I have no particular musical tastes or knowledge. I listen to trashy pop most of the time. Still, I will make an attempt to pick reasonably good music.

Meme Masterpost
Yesterday's post: La Roux, “Bulletproof”

day 19 - a song from your favorite album -
Albums are a strange area for me. When I was younger, of course I'd buy the entire CD-you pretty much had to. But, as a general rule, I'd only listen to a few songs. Thus, once iTunes et al. started up, I switched over to listening to single songs once more.
That said, I do have a handful of actual albums I enjoy. For the sake of ease, I'm not going to use compilations, best-ofs, instrumental collections, soundtracks, or musicals. Just actual pop albums.

The first thing that pops into my head is Daft Punk's “Discovery”--primarily because I was introduced to it via Interstella 5555, an anime project where Leiji Matsumoto designed some characters and they used them to essentially make a music video for the entire album.
Maybe it's cheating, but this really gave me a sense of cohesion about the album.

I know “Harder Better Faster Stronger” tends to be the favorite, but I have a soft spot for

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“One More Time”, the opening song. It's just so happy.
I also enjoy “Digital Love” quite a bit. Again, it's the essential happiness of the song.

Speaking of cohesion, I remember enjoying Green Day's “American Idiot.” It had a vague narrative structure to it. I should probably listen to that one again at some point.

In terms of actually liking a whole album-really enjoying all of the songs-I have a short list.
Enya's “A Day Without Rain” and Enigma's “The Screen Behind the Mirror” are pretty chill the entire way through.

I definitely enjoyed move's “Deep Calm,” because the entire piece is crashing Japanese rap. They did a lot of the background music for “Initial D,” but, having heard some of their other output, this album was pretty much the main style of their music I liked. So it's like a big collection of the songs I did like, without any of the other styles I didn't like.

I know I was joking a post or two back about Evanescence, but, like move, I did enjoy their first CD. Again, consistency - most of the songs were similar to the ones I liked. Same goes for Panic! At the Disco's “A Fever You Can't Sweat Out.”

And, uh...

Well, this isn't going very well. See, I'm not good at discussing music.

Or perhaps it's because I just want to get back to my Pokemon instead of trying to think of something to write.

music meme

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