Directions: EVERY DAY ANSWER ONE QUESTION AND POST A VIDEO OF THE SONG ON YOUR WALL. Label it as... Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc., then that day's question and the Artist and the Song title. HAVE FUN!! :D
Well, I'm rarely one to actually follow a meme's directions.
Looking over the original categories, I can't answer (or don't care) about half of them. So I think I'll go with a bit more free-form style of just picking 30-some-odd songs and writing up a bit about them.
I should say at the default that I have no particular musical tastes or knowledge. I listen to trashy pop most of the time. Still, I will make an attempt to pick reasonably good music.
Meme Masterpost Yesterday's post: Linkin Park, “Crawling” day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio
I probably should have actually, you know, listened to the radio to properly figure this one out.
I admit that I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with the radio. On the one hand, it does introduce me to new music (unless my brother's in charge, in which case it leads to classical rock music). On the other, there are a lot of songs I'm not fond of. For example, most songs by John Mayer or Katy Perry, almost all country music, and a large portion of (mainstream) rap and hip-hop.
Guess I'll just go with my gut.
Click to view
Lady Antebellum, “Need You Now” It's not a bad song. In fact, I think it's very sincere.
But I do not dig it.
I just heard it over and over and over again. Country-ish music is already not my forte, so hearing this song so much didn't really help on that front.
All else I can really think of are the songs from my
bands I hate post. I mean, that's the kick of it, isn't it? You remember the songs you dislike as being overplayed, but the ones you like are cool no matter how often you hear them.
Ah. The radio station I've been listening to for the last few years is
Alice 97.3, a San Francisco-based radio station that also runs an internet stream. It's alternative, a pretty decent mix that usually goes close to what I listen to. Lot of older-ish songs, and, well, this station will play Guns 'N Rose next to Lady Gaga. It was also a bit nostalgic while I was at school, since I still knew the bay area/NorCal better than I did SoCal. I really like the station...
...except when Katy Perry pops up twice in an hour. Grr.
Um, yeah. Not much else to say today. Should have actually turned on the radio, natch.