Aug 31, 2005 19:35
Alright just because I havn't written anything on here latley, I'm going to give an update to the wonderful people who enjoy reading about my boring life!
So school Started on Monday, and I still want to cry. I hate school, i'm good at it but I hate it. I had a sixth period spare but then I got it filled. Still don't know if that was a good idea or not. So anyways this what my dear schedule looks like for semester one.
Period 1: History 20-Shabatoski (I LOVE history so i'm glad it's there)
Period 2: Chemistry 20-Arnold-Man
Period 3: Math A30-Bentz (we have to write a stupid assesment test on Friday, that is so retarded!)
Period 4: CE-Bentz
Perios 5: Psychology-Osatchuck
Period 6: English 20 Advanced-Wilson
Nothing else has really happened except Keeley rented a movie just to make me cry, because I always cry in sad movie and she loves to make fun of me!
*3:00am* Approximately
(Keeley, Roni, Amanda and I watching FMA)
(Jenelle Wakes up)
Jenelle: What are you guys.... (looks at TV)...Oh my Lord turn it off already!
I'm going to start posting Keeley and My quote de jours just because I can!