Oh Hey!

Nov 07, 2005 17:18

I HATE Chemistry! I'm going to fail it and they wont let me into university and i'll be a bum! I don't even know why i need chemistry, i'm going to be a bloody historian! It's tragic my Star Wars nerd buddy can't come watch the third movie with us tonight, i'm so heartbroken! Ok now i'm being a dramma queen but blame it on the Chemistry!

Anyways I definitly have some quotes from the past week that I feel the need to post.

Me: We need to go to Confession! We are going to die bitter old women!
Keeley: Who drink in the mornings!

Elena: Shawna and I think that you look like the guy from Titanic.
Mark: Really? some people say I look like the lead singer of Sum 41!
Keeley: No you loook like Leonardo Dicaprio (Just as a side note he is my favorite actor!)
Me: Yeah i agree!
Mark: Leo only wishes he was as good looking as me!

(While playing Deplomacy)
Mark: Can you go through the Swiss?
Mario: No they are Neutral.
Mark: Well i'm going to fly over Switzerland!

(While playing Deplomacy)
Keeley: Can we sail our boat into Serbia?
Mario: No, ther's no water.
Keeley: Well then, we're making a lake in Serbia!

Chem teacher: They want you to draw out the molecule
Keeley: ha ha that's funny!

Keeley: This is true..... This is true......This is true
Davie: YOu sound like Shawna!
Keeley: This is true.

(While driving behind a really high truck)
Micheal: i bet you we could fit under there...
(Begins to drive car under truck)

Me: Flip the page!
Mario: Thank you, I would be lost without you!

Keeley: I'm an underacheiver!
Me: This is true
Keeley: What! I am NOT and underacheiver!

Me: i've got it the show "Pinky and the Brain" was based off Hitler! (Brain being Hitler)
Mario: What?
Me: yeah... What are we going to do today brain? what we do everyother day Pinky PLAN TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!
Mario: Well who was Pinky? Mussolini?
Me: YES!

Mr.S: What would you do if you were 37 billion dollars in debt.
Keeley and Me: I'd shoot myself
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