Some News...

Aug 06, 2010 10:30

Hello, it's been a long time since this community was updated. I guess that since Sakura Gari has ended, it became sort of dead. Well, I have some news to share.

Firstly, this month, Yuu Watase will attend the comiket 78 on 15 August 2010 and will sell a Sakura Gari booklet. The booklet will be size A4 and will contain informations, sketchs, pictures and even a calendar. More informations about it on Yuu Watase's website, since I can't read japanese (I'm using a online translator), it'd be nice if someone can say more details I missed.
Here the cover of this wonderful thing, the cover can be used as a poster and it's in full color.

(click for bigger size)
The booklet can also be purchased on a japanese website, Animate Online Shop, where you can see the calendar and poster.

Secondly, the third and last volume will be released in french on 29 September 2010. (I can't wait to get it on my hands *__*)
Here the cover:

(click for bigger size)

Thirdly, here the new wallpaper posted on Watase-sensei's website:

(size: 800x600  or 1024x768)

And lastly, here an ad for Yuu Watase's stand on the comiket posted on her blog.

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