*shudders* i've just had the most weird scariest dreams i've ever had.
one was with my adopted mommy and her 2 youngest along with my mom and me.. and a tornado... and me saving my computer and the stuffed panda i've had since i was like 2 or 3...
and the other? whooo boy.something about a family of like 9 children going through this heavily guarded building to save one of their own, and my person was like the black sheep or something and everyone was accusing me of trying to get rid of the family, and in the end i ended up (first killing a dog that was gonna squeal on us... and was trying to chew off my neck, which oddly enough i didn't feel...
) and then giving myself up to save the others. and by giving myself up, i mean basically killing my body and having my spirit be taken and shown where all the other children (and there were a LOT of children) go to be "harvested"
and then i woke up.
it was fucked up.
and i kinda wanna write a short story based on it... *shrugs* lets see if maybe i can....