May 03, 2006 01:52
You ever have those times when you have the opportunity to relax, but you're just not relaxing? Maybe it's because the fact that it's summer hasn't really sunk in yet, or it's because I know I need to find a job, or because I'm still awaiting a reply to the e-mail mentioned in an earlier post (and worrying that he might not check that e-mail account anymore), but whatever it is, I haven't been fully enjoying my past few work/class-free days.
That's not to say that I haven't been doing enjoyable stuff though (there's just that something in the back of my mind that keeps me from taking full advantage of the enjoyable-ness). Our new cable includes movie channels, which I find are very nice for watching movies that you might not ever rent, but kinda want to see. I finally saw Shaun of the Dead and LA Confidential, which are both very entertaining movies.
My dad bought me a USB wireless adapter for my computer (I guess I lucked out, because he said it was "the price of a bottle of scotch," that is, the cheap scotch he buys, so that's why he bought it, lol), so I've been able to get online with my computer, instead of hijacking my dad's.
What I'd really like to do is play some good old fashioned video games. Unfortunately, my ps2 memory card has disappeared, meaning, so has my FFX (which I still have not beaten) file, and also meaning that I can't make any new files. I hope it's around here somewhere. Until then, I suppose I'll have to play some ps1 games. I guess there are some I still haven't beaten among those as well (FF5, Vagrant Story)
Tomorrow I'm looking for jobs. I'm thinking cashier work in a big store would be nice. I actually already applied to Home Depot and Best Buy b/c they have online applications. So, we'll see how those go.
Anyway, that's about it. (Fascinating, I know)