It's been a while...

Jun 09, 2013 10:40 I wanted to update here. It really has been a very long time since I've written anything here. No one is on LJ anymore, not like they used to be. It seems the site is quite dead and somehow, that's sad.

I have successfully completed my first semester at University of Memphis. I met many awesome people in the Japanese program and I think I've truly found my calling. I excelled in my class and am now going to have private study sessions with my sensei for the rest of the summer. Nearly everyone involved in the program is really nice and helpful. Despite my age(I've got 10 years on most of the students), I felt truly welcomed. In fact, due to certain circumstances, my mother ended up being at most of the events and she is now a regular part of the group as well. She's even learning Japanese with me and will be attending our study sessions!

In recent news, we have a new kitten named Jiji. She's a demon and my arms look like I got into a fight with a razor blade. She's cute though so hopefully she'll settle down in a week or two. We have no idea how old she is but I suspect around 7 to 8 weeks. She, like most of our other cats, just showed up out in the yard one day. I asked around and nobody has lost a kitten so we think someone must have dropped her off. Their loss I suppose, though we really didn't need another cat. We're just suckers when it comes to animals!

Speaking of animals, in less happy news, my brother's dog got hit by a car Wednesday. He's alive and mostly well but his leg is broken in two places. One is a compound fracture, in which his bone came through his skin and the other is a crack in the smaller bone. It took screws and plates to repair it and we're still worried that he's going to mess it up. Hopefully it will heal properly and he will be back on his feet in no time.

Well then, not to end on an unhappy note but I can't really think of anything relevant that's been going on. So, I will end it here. Maybe I'll update sooner next time but I doubt it. >.>

personal, update

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