Jul 19, 2018 01:40
Summer is here...
The temperature has increased, the humidity had increased, the sky sets later than before, people are more busy then before and more "importantly" my suicidal tendacies have increased. I don't enjoy a lot of the things i loved and its increasing each day, i'm losing my appetite and i'm losing myself in my summer thoughts. For others summer is bright, happy, exciting refreshing but for me its dark tiring and makes me want to kill myself every second i breathe on this earth. At work i'm beginning to crack, i'm struggling to stay happy and smiling i'm close to crying every moment i'm there not because i'm being left out but because i just want to die.
I hate summer it's when i just cry and try to kill myself... i'm trying not to attempt anything this year like i have in the previous years but its hard, when i see a knife i want too stab myself, when i see a car i feel like jumping in front of it, when someone looks at me i want to cry.
I don't even have the energy to type my emotions, i just want to sleep and cry
here's to my summer