The ARIA Friending Meme!

Apr 22, 2007 17:44

I have jumped onto the bandwagon that is the Friending Meme! Even though the theme is ARIA, you don't need to know the series to participate :D Everyone is welcome! XD

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eternalelegy April 23 2007, 19:00:57 UTC
≈ Name ≈ Lisa
≈ Age ≈ 19
≈ Gender ≈ female
≈ Zodiac sign(s) ≈ Aquarius & Rabbit (2 days later and it would've been Dragon)
≈ Fandoms ≈ Honey & Clover, Nana, Utena, Serial Experiments Lain, Kino no Tabi, Please Save My Earth, pretty much any series by Kaori Yuki (I adore her style and stories), Lady Oscar, Kare Kano, Marimite, Basara, Kagen no Tsuki, Haibane Renmei, Arjuna, and so on. Current obsession: Prince of Tennis.
≈ Favourite Activities ≈ Taking walks without having a destination & looking at pretty paintings (or art-related stuff in general). ♥ Drawing, painting, reading (Manga, dictionaries, and definitions xD), being lazy, pretending to be busy, sleeping.
≈ Favourite ARIA character(s)? ≈ Alice and Ai. :O
≈ How were you introduced to ARIA? ≈ Saw the first volume, liked the cover, liked the art style, bought it, loved it since the very first page~
≈ Say one random thing about yourself! ≈ I fail at life.


risaa April 23 2007, 19:43:56 UTC
wow. @_@ We have the same first name, are the same age, are both female (well I hope, with a name like "Lisa" XD), both rabbits, both fail at life...

...MY LONG LOST TWIN!! Except we were born at different times of the year. XD


eternalelegy April 24 2007, 10:38:52 UTC
Whee~ it's destiny, pure destiny! Don't tell me you're 5'4" and have light brown hair, too? *rofl*

Males who call themselves Lisa actually exist... in fiction XD (watch The L Word).


risaa April 24 2007, 17:58:04 UTC
omfg XD I -am- 5'4" and my natural hair color is brown. XD

And I'm scared to meet guys who call themselves "Lisa". XDD


eternalelegy April 24 2007, 19:48:06 UTC
Omg, this is starting to be extremely creepy. Doppelgänger! :O We should register at twins_lj. *laughs*

The one in The L Word is fun, he's claiming to be a lesbian trapped in man's body. He really amused me, 'cuz he acted way more female than me.


risaa April 25 2007, 01:53:17 UTC
..."claiming to be a lesbian trapped in a man's body". That made me ROFLOLOL!!!! twins_lj sounds cute xD


eternalelegy April 27 2007, 12:58:15 UTC
You know there's a term for that. But I can't seem to remember it. :/ It is, and one of the characters from the profile is called Risa. What a "coincidence".


sakura_201 April 23 2007, 23:14:02 UTC
...XD! I can't believe that someone else besides me enjoy reading dictionaries! I love finding out new and unknown words~ It's so fun XD apparently I have too much time on my hands sometimes :(

And wow, TeniPuri ♥ Are you watching the anime or reading the manga? I read up to like 312 chapters and stopped because no new releases were out, and when there were, I was too lazy to go look for them. XD; I love everyone on the Seigaku team though, especially awesome Fuji + Tezuka~ Ryoma is awesome as well ♥


eternalelegy April 24 2007, 11:00:40 UTC
Quite a few people seem to enjoy it, which surprises me. It's funny how I always end up randomly going through the dictionary, because I keep finding pretty words. Sadly I rarely remember them. *tends to remember the ones I learn while watching movies with subtitles on*

I got into the fandom recently. My friend kept bugging me about doing a Cosplay. Ehr, I'm kinda reading the Manga and watching both, Anime and Musical, simultaneously, which confuses the heck out of me, but hey, doesn't matter. It's so addicting and filled with hinted Shounen Ai. I just hope the animation quality and Konomis art style will improve soon (I've gotten very picky about those things).

Fuji and Tezuka are ♥ (especially together *grin*). Ryoma was actually the reason I kept avoiding the serious, I... hate dislike... him.


sakura_201 April 25 2007, 03:13:12 UTC
Yeah, I usually forget the words I see as well :( I would remember the word, but not the meaning, unless it's something really random and unused like Kentuckian or zygote. XD And subtitles are win! I love having subtitles for movies with foreign language audio. I learn simple, single words like "yes" and "no" really fast that way. :D It's just so great x3

Wow, :O That is pretty hard to keep up with :( But yes! It's really quite addicting! XD mmm shounen-ai...*dead* Konomi's art style steadily gets better once you get past...around ~40-60 chapters? I forget, but kepe on reading! I grow to love his art x3 lol more like Fuji XD

omg Ryoma hate :'( But then again, he is kinda annoying. XD If he wasn't so cocky, I think more people would like him. (Well...maybe...D:)


eternalelegy April 27 2007, 13:16:45 UTC
Aw, I either remember both, the word and translation, or neither. But I do recognize them in a text. *nod, nod* That's exactly the way I learned Japanese, or at least a few phrases.

Multimeadiaing + multitasking -> confusion. But I kind of like how the Anime adds a few funny scenes. That's a relief, I was getting annoyed because of the weird proportions and overall art style (but it's nice to see professionals who make those mistakes, it's giving me hope to get better).

Not exactly hate, more like... a weird resemblance to the way people think about me. Half of my class thinks I'm some kind of alien, because of my behaviour (*doesn't talk much, doesn't smile much, distant, seemingly arrogant*). The other half is the one who's smart enough to realize I'm just shy.


kashi_naoki April 24 2007, 10:01:10 UTC
POT, MariMite, Kino's Journey, Haibane, Nana, Please SAve My Earth....

OMG I think I love you woman!! 8D


eternalelegy April 24 2007, 11:07:59 UTC
Ooh, someone who knows Please Save My Earth?! How much did you read? Did you watch the OVA? Who's your fav. character? (It's not hard to tell that I love the series, isn't it?) And also Marimite? Have you joined the soeur_system community? *well-integrated advertisement XD*

Ehehe~ my taste in Anime and Manga is splendid, ne?


kashi_naoki April 24 2007, 13:05:19 UTC
Haven't join MariMite community (since I'm too lazy to browse anything hohohho proscatinator) But I'll join soon after this~!

PSME? Haven't watch the ova, just read all the mangas and loved it... XDD the characters? I like them all, since PSME characters are great and well-built.. ;D



eternalelegy April 24 2007, 16:03:17 UTC
Yeah, the community is currently a little unorganized. They used to do those updates where you were able to see who's looking for an oneesama or petite soeur. I hope they update the list soon. Oh, and they also tried to get the members to use tags in order to find entries faster, but nobody cares. :O



GALUMPH tsuppiyo April 24 2007, 21:55:58 UTC
That was just to creep you out‼

who doesnt phail at lief?!1/1?//?/slash except oprah winfrey

I think I remember--very faintly remember--watching an OVA called Please Save My Earth, and I was able to dig up the song Toki no Kioku by Akino Arai-san from my sister's old audio files (lulz, 'audiophiles' homonymn) and loveloveLOVE it. Is it an anime series that I should fall over myself just to watch right this second?!

I myself started collecting Kare Kano manga volumes but never got past vol. 2. D: And Honey & Clover I started watching just this weekend (presently last saw episode...4?) and I think I'll keep downloading it: I still don't see how a college art student can look like a seven-year-old. First thing that came in mind: pedophilia.
Yes, I know, there is something wrong with me.

& HI!


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