
Nov 26, 2010 02:03

Title: Illusion ~ Maboroshi verse part 1 of 3
Beta reader: afrit_marid *thanks for everything*
Length: 2798 words
Genre: AU, Angst
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Yama Pair, Matsumiya, and Sakuraiba
Disclaimer: I own them in my dreamland
Summary: Even if our red strings have been severed, memories of you will never fade.
Warning: Ohno centric. It’s the first installment of the Maboroshi-verse. The second will be released at 24th December 2010 and the last at 25th January 2011. Naration with this colour is Ohno's flashback.

“Satoshi… Satoshi…,” Ohno could feel someone whispering in his ear. A smile appeared though he kept his eyes shut. He tried to reach for the warmth beside him.

“Sho-chan…,” Ohno murmured and realized that there’s nobody else but him at his bed. It has been more than a year without Sho.

 The first time Ohno met Sho was the first day he worked at Matsumoto Café. Sho was a student of Keio University at that time. He always spent his spare time drinking coffee while reading his literature.

“Oh-chan, I think you should refill his cup,” Jun said as he pointed to Sho’s seat.

“He has sat there for three hours already. Is it okay, Jun-kun? I mean he didn’t order anything else but coffee,” Ohno placed the coffee pot down.

“It’s okay since he is our loyal customer. Nino said he’s like a maneki neko to our café, he is our lucky charm.”

“Aww… that’s nice,” Ohno giggled while walking away. Jun chuckled and continued to slice the shortcake.

“Need more coffee, sir?” Ohno asked when he arrived at Sho’s table. Sho only nodded and didn’t take a glance at the waiter.

“Eh? Are you a newbie?” Sho realized after Ohno turned around. Ohno halted and faced Sho.

“Un…,” Ohno nodded as he saw a bright smile from the other.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Sakurai Sho. I always come here every day, so please don’t get bored with me,” Sho chuckled. Ohno nodded once again and they went silent.

“Hey! What’s your name then?” Sho closed his book and stared deeply at Ohno.

“I… I’m Ohno Satoshi… Nice to meet you….,” Ohno bowed to hide his blushing face. Why is my heart beating so fast?

“Nice to meet you too, Ohno-san,” Sho grinned. It was their first encounter.

“Oh-chan…. Nee… Oh-chan…,” Nino said while poking the older man’s left cheek.

“Ah! Nino… Hmm… What’s wrong?” Ohno snapped. He took a glance at Sho’s regular seat.

“What’s wrong? I must be the one asking you that. What’s wrong with you? You’ve been staring at that spot for quite a while,” Nino said as he shook Ohno’s arm. “Sho won’t be there. You must realize it now that he’s gone for more than a year.”

“Yeah… I know… he won’t come back… I just…,” Ohno bowed down his head.

“You just what?”

“I just can’t get him out of my mind.”

“Aww… you should forget him, Oh-chan. You have your own life, a new life without him.”

“Yeah… I know…,” Ohno took a glance at Sho’s seat again. Yeah, he won’t be there anymore.

“Ohno-san… would you mind going out with me?” Sho confessed all of sudden. It was six months after their first encounter.

“Eh?” Ohno looked up suddenly. He didn’t expect Sho to say that. “What did you say, Sakurai-san?”

“I said that I love you… and I want to be your boyfriend… so… would you mind…,” Sho stammered and stared at Ohno’s eyes deeply, both of their faces getting red.

“I don’t mind…,” Ohno murmured as he hid his blushing face. “I will be glad to be your boyfriend.”

Since that day, Ohno became Sho’s lover. On Christmas Eve five years ago, they started to date.

“Congratulations on your graduation!!!” A bunch of boys and girls yelled as they threw confetti to each other. It’s been a while since the last graduation party was held at Matsumoto Café.

“Oh-chan, could you bring these cheese cakes to them?” Jun said as he landed a tray with many slices of cheese cakes. Jun didn’t hear any response from Ohno. “Oh-chan?” Jun tapped his shoulder and the other looked up surprised.

“Bring these cheese cakes please,” Jun repeated as he landed the tray on Ohno’s hands. Ohno balanced the tray carefully.

“What happened, dear?” Nino asked Jun as he poked his head from the kitchen.

“I think he remembered Sho-chan again,” Jun answered as he pointed to the graduation party.

“Congratulations!!!” Ohno, Nino and Jun threw the confetti at Sho.

“Thank you,” Sho smiled to Nino and Jun, and then he hugged his beloved Oh-chan.

“Congratulations on your graduation, Sho-chan,” Ohno whispered at Sho’s ear. Sho ruffled his hair.

“Sho-chan… we have something as your graduation present,” Ohno gave a little box. “I’m sorry that I don’t have much money… so Nino and Jun-kun helped me buy it.”

Sho opened the box and he saw a silver watch. “Cool!” Sho said. “Thank you, Nino-chan… Jun-kun… and also thank you, dear…,” Sho gave Ohno a small peck and hugged the chubby one tighter than before.

“Ah! I have a present to you too,” Sho broke their hug and landed something on Ohno’s palm.

“What is it?” Ohno was curious with the key that Sho gave him.

“A key…”

“Yes, I know… this is a key… but… what’s it for, Sho-chan?”

“It’s our apartment’s key,” Sho gave his perfect smile to his lover.

“What!!?!” the three shouted, astonished.

“How dare you….,” Nino sighed and began to tease Sho. “Then where are the presents to me and my darling?”

“Aww… shut up dear… you don’t have to ask for some presents from Sho-chan…. You can tell me whatever you want,” Jun frowned as he brought his lover to his embrace.

“Oh…. My sweet Jun-tan… I love you so much…,” Nino wrapped his arms around Jun’s neck and began to kiss sloppily. Ohno and Sho did nothing but giggle because of what their best friends were doing.

“So… do you want to move in with me, Satoshi?” Sho asked and Ohno gave him a shy nod.

Spring turned into summer, then they had fall and the last they had winter again. The season’s cycle will spin eternally. It was already two years that Sho was gone. Seven seasons was spent by Ohno alone. He felt like didn’t have any aim on life, totally lost in a maze by himself.

Today is Ohno’s birthday, but there is nobody he can celebrate it with. Nino and Jun had their own business. His family lived far from Tokyo and his Sho-chan…

“I hope you could be here… at least… just for today,” Ohno stood alone at the middle of a graveyard. There’s a grave with the name Sakurai Sho, beside that grave was another named Aiba Masaki.

“Satoshi… Happy birthday…,” Ohno closed his eyes and he could hear Sho’s voice, wishing him a happy birthday. Two beads of tears fell down his cheeks.

“I miss you, Sho-chan… I miss you so bad…,” Ohno palmed his face. “If you didn’t go with him… if you didn’t leave me for him… I wonder if you’ll still be right here, Sho-chan.”

Two years ago, Sho gave Ohno a premium ticket to an amusement park as a birthday present. The two of them had a lot of fun until someone called Sho.

“Sho-chan? Is that you?” a pink bunny costume stopped Sho’s steps.

“I didn’t know you have a bunny as a friend, Sho-chan,” Ohno giggled and Sho pinched his right cheek.

“Sho-chan… it’s me… don’t you remember?” The bunny said as he pointed at his head.

“Yeah… I’m Sho… but who the hell are you?” Sho was becoming annoyed with the bunny.

“It’s me…,” the bunny pulled out the head. Ohno could see a pretty boy with an awesome smile.

“Aiba-chan?” Sho tilted his head.

“Yay! You didn’t forget me after all!” the bunny guy named Aiba Masaki bounced happily and hugged Sho tightly.

“How can I forget you?” Sho chuckled happily too.

“Then who is he? Your cousin?” Aiba pointed at Ohno with a confused face.

“I’m Ohno Satoshi… nice to meet you…,” Ohno bowed politely.

“Nice to meet you too… I’m Aiba Masaki… Sho-chan’s high school friend,” Aiba bowed and gave a sparkling smile. That was the beginning of it all.

“I’m home,” Ohno said as he opened their apartment door.

“Welcome home, dear,” Ohno could hear Sho’s voice welcoming him. I know it’s just an illusion.

Ohno placed a box of fruit cake on the dining table. He lit the candles and was ready to blow them.

“Happy birthday to you… Happy birthday to you… Happy birthday dear Satoshi… Happy birthday to you…,” he remembered how Sho sang that song to him three times. Three years he was with Sho, three years...

“Now you can make a wish Satoshi…,” he remembered how Sho chuckled when he said that.

“I hope I could see you once again, Sho-chan… even if only in my dreams…,” Ohno wished with all of his heart then blew all the candles.

“Sorry for being late,” Ohno said as he took his black apron. December 3rd, two years ago, it was colder than usual though it was mid noon.

“It doesn’t matter since the guests weren’t many as usual,” Jun said as he cleaned the kitchen.

“Is that so…? Eh? Where’s Nino?”

“He went to buy coffee beans. He will be here in forty minutes.”

Ohno could hear a high pitch giggle. “Oh… is there any guest?”

“Yes… It’s Sho-chan and his friend.”

Ohno took a glance at Sho’s favorite seat. He saw his boyfriend having a lively chat with Aiba Masaki. Ohno sighed and murmured, “that Aiba again…”

“What’s wrong, Oh-chan?” Jun asked worriedly then Ohno shook his head.

“It’s nothing.”

“You want to have a seat with Sho-chan, right?” Jun guessed.

“But I have to work.”

“Aww… It’s okay since you don’t have anything to do. I cleaned all of this since you were late.”

“I’m sorry,” Ohno bowed and Jun ruffled his hair.

“It’s okay, Oh-chan,” Jun pushed Ohno’s shoulder and the other gave him a little smile.

Ohno walked slowly towards Sho.

“Ah! Ohno-san,” Aiba waved at him. “How are you today?”

“F-fine…,” Ohno stammered as he took a seat beside Sho. “Can I take a seat here?”

“Sure… Why not?” Sho smiled calmly and then continued chatting with Aiba. Ohno couldn’t get what the two men were saying. It was something about their childhood friends, their former teachers, and their family. Sho-chan never told me anything about his family. I just know that he has a younger sister and brother. Ohno frowned and pouted, but poor him, Sho-chan didn’t see his adorable pout.

Ohno placed his hand on Sho’s knee, hoping their fingers would intertwine under the table. Sho took a glance at Ohno when he felt his lover touch his knee. Sho just gave him a simple smile and continued chatting with Aiba. He ignored me, Ohno was surprised. Usually, every time Ohno would touch Sho’s knee, Sho will give him a kiss no matter where they are.

Ohno snuggled into Sho’s arm in order to feel the other’s warmth. His fragrance makes me calm. I love it. Ohno shut his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Satoshi…,” Sho whispered and Ohno opened his eyes. “I must go to my office now. Lunch time is over.”

Sho stood up and opened his wallet. “Aiba-chan, don’t worry, it’s my treat.”

“Aww… you’re so kind, Sho-chan. Ooh… I have to go too. Bye, Ohno-san,” Aiba waved as he walked out of the café.

“Here’s the payment, dear… bye…,” Sho patted Ohno’s head and stormed out of the café, “Aiba-chan…! Wait for me!”

He didn’t kiss me too. It’s been a week since our last kiss, Ohno thought as he counted the money that Sho gave him. December 3rd,, two years ago, it felt colder than usual.

“I think I’m sick of this,” Ohno thought as he saw half of his own fruit cake. “I’m full.”

Ohno opened the refrigerator and placed the cake there. “Maybe Jun-kun or Nino wants to eat some.”

Ohno walked away from the dining room and he saw a picture of Sho embracing him. He smiles flatly.

“I need to sleep,” then he entered his bedroom as he yawned.

Christmas Eve two years ago, Ohno was waiting for Sho in front of the newspaper office, Sho’s workplace. That day was their third anniversary.

“Ohno-san? What are you doing here?” one of Sho’s friends, Ogura Tomoaki, tapped Ohno’s shoulder.

“I wondered if I could go home together with Sho-chan.”

“Sakurai-kun? He’s not working here since two days ago. I’m also wondering what he’s doing now.”

“What… so… where’s Sho-chan?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know.”

Ogura-san’s words were spinning around Ohno’s head until he reached his apartment.

“If you didn’t go to work… so… where are you, Sho-chan?” Ohno entered the elevator and pushed the button. The elevator went up until level 11th, and then when the elevator opened, he saw a figure of his Sho-chan.

“Sho-chan! I was wondering where you were! Ogu-san told me that you don’t work at that place anymore,” Ohno hugged Sho as he was worried.

“Sho-chan… hurry up… we don’t have much time left,” Ohno realized that Sho-chan was not alone.

“Okay… wait for me, Aiba-chan…,” Sho shouted as Aiba jumped into the elevator. “I must go now, Satoshi.”

“So… you work with Aiba-san now?” Ohno tilted his head.

“Uh-huh… it’s kind of…,” Sho couldn’t answer the question properly.

“Oi! Sho-chan….,” Aiba shouted again as looked at his own watch.

“Un… okay… do your best with your work then,” Ohno smiled widely.

“Thanks,” Sho said as he turned around. He forgot to kiss me again.

“Nee… Sho-chan! You should have dinner with me tonight, you know!” Ohno shouted and Sho just gave him a small smile before the elevator door closed.

After reaching their apartment, Ohno dashed in and opened the refrigerator. He saw a cake still placed inside. I hope he didn’t realize the surprise for our anniversary.

“Ah! I have to change the sheets!” Ohno said and ran to their bedroom. He opened the drawer to search for new sheets, and then he realized something. I don’t see any piece of Sho’s clothes here. Then he ran into the bathroom, Sho’s bathing stuff was gone too. He also ran into the shoes rack and what he saw was his own shoes and sandals but nothing of Sho’s.

He couldn’t see any sign of Sho’s existence in the apartment except the pictures and kitchen utensils. Then, Ohno realized there was an envelope on the dining table.

“Dear Satoshi… I know it must be hard for you… but I don’t think I can have any relationship with you anymore… with this letter I just want to say that I loved you so much…,” Ohno’s voice gotten trembled. He said “loved”… he was in love with me…

“Yeah… I did it, love you, with all my heart… I know you’ll be mad at me… I’m sorry but I love Aiba-chan... more than I do you…I’m sorry for being harsh, because I want you to forget me… I want you to have a new life… without me or our memories together…. At least, I want to say… please forget everything about me… from your dearest… Sakurai Sho.”

Ohno’s body went limp. He did nothing but cry. How could I forget you?

“Ping… Pong…,” Nino pushed Ohno’s apartment bell. Ohno opened the door sluggishly.

“Merry Christmas,” Nino and Jun said as they threw confetti in front of Ohno’s face. The other just smiled bitterly.

“Eh? Oh-chan? What’s wrong with you? You look so pale…,” Jun said as he cupped Ohno’s cheeks.

“Ssssst…. Maybe they’re just having their anniversary presents from each other?” Nino said and grinned cheekily.

“Please don’t be so perverted, dear…,” Jun pinched both of Nino’s cheeks. Ohno looked at the pair with teary eyes.

“Eh? Oh-chan? Did we do something wrong?” Jun asked as he caressed Ohno’s hair.

“Or Sho-chan did?” Nino asked and Ohno shook his head fast.

“Nothing… he did nothing… but leave me alone…,” Ohno cried on Nino’s embrace. Jun and Nino pitied Oh-chan and tried to encourage their bestfriend to tell them what’s wrong. All of a sudden, Ohno’s phone rang.

“Hello? It’s Ohno,” Nino grabbed the phone and acted as Ohno.

“Ohno-san? It’s Ogura. I just want to tell you something… but promise me you won’t faint from this…”

Nino closed the phone and gave a shocked expression to Jun and Ohno.

“What happened, dear?” Jun asked his lover.

“There’s a message from someone named Ogura… he said… he said that Sho and someone named Aiba… they died this morning by a car accident,” Nino stammered and Ohno just let his tears fall down his cheeks.

At the middle of his sleep, Ohno heard someone pull the door knob.

“I’m home, Satoshi…,” I know it’s just an illusion of him but…

“Welcome home, Sho-chan,”   but I…

“Happy birthday, dear. I know you have been waiting for me to bring you a present, right?” I love him so much… though he is just an illusion…


Author's Note : It's birthday post for our beloved Ohchan... i'm sorry i made an angst fic for his birthday *hug Ohchan*
Happy birthday, jii-chan xD
WYATB Leader ~<3


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