The more I think about it...

Sep 28, 2010 12:45

So, when I babysit my niece on monday and Tuesday I usually end up having a hard time. She doesn't really like me. She just screams and runs around doing things she KNOWS she shouldn't. When I tell her 'No' she just does it anyways. Why is this? Because her parents let her do what she wants. So when they tell her 'no' she gets to do it anyways.

Second-I work at 4. I leave this house at 3:30 so I can get there early enough to get decent parking and avoid getting stuck in a line at the doors. This means. I use Scott and Cory's lunch break to take my shower so that I can pack my lunch and finish getting ready when my mom gets here. But today, my LOVELY family FAILED to come over for lunch. You know what my sister-in-law said? "She can just shower while Avery is napping." Yes Cory. I am going to leave YOUR two year old daughter unattended. I know she doesn't care if she destroys her house, but hoenstly I would rather NOT listen to what my father has to say when she destroys all the crystal we have around. I know some of you are thinking 'but she is sleeping' but with Avery she can nap anywhere from ten minutes to two hours. So in the ten-twenty minutes it takes me shower and change she could get up and destroy things.

Scott and Cory are so god damn selfish it drives me crazy.  It doesn't matter to them that my job is TEMP TO HIRE. Meaning impressions are EVERYTHING at this place in order for me to keep it. I know missing one shower isn't much, but it is to me god damnit. I want to KEEP this fucking job. I DON'T want to be stuck at market basket for the rest of my life. Just because they settled on it doesn't mean I have to.

I wonder why Cory's family can't watch the baby as much as we do. I am sure some of you are going to read this and think "They only watch her two days." Well you're wrong. The last month or so my mother has had the baby 3-4 times a week. WTF? What the HELL happened to Cory's family? Oh that's right. Her mother is in the middle of a divorce so she is out with her new boyfriend and her younger sister has never given a damn about Avery unless I am in the room. Because Avery always chooses her over me. HA. Stupid fucks.

I don't want to babysit anymore. My niece wants nothing to do with me, I am fucking exhausted when I get to work, and I am tired when I get home from work but I can't sleep when I go to bed early so I just stay up.  I don't want to clean up after they eat, and I don't want to listen to them bitch because I didn't give their daughter a bath or her nap was too early.

I am never having kids. Ever.

Oh and I just got a message from my aunt in Flordia to tell me that my grandfather has a malignant tumor on one of his lungs. Awesome. TODAY FUCKING SUCKS.
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