Title: The Truth Revealed
Characters: Sora, Kairi, Riku, Santa Claus
Prompt: Christmas
Word Count: 189
Rating: G
Summary: Riku tells Sora a huge secret.
Time Frame: Seven Years before KH2. Six years before KH1.
Author's Notes: Poor Sora. XD Also, has anyone else noticed that Santa is an analgram for Satan? O_o
"C'mon Kairi!" Sora grabs Kairi's hand and yanks her to the end of the line. "Santa!"
Kairi giggles and waves Riku over. The nine-year-old saunters over and looks around. "You kids seriously aren't in line for Santa Claus, are you?"
Sora smiles. "I have to tell him what I want for Christmas!"
Riku scoffs and tosses his hair over his shoulder. "You don't still believe in Santa, do you, Sora?"
Sora looks up at Riku defiantly, his fists up next to his face. "Of course I do!"
Riku smirks and looks away. "Only babies believe in Santa Claus."
Sora pouts. He looks at Kairi, who excitedly peers through the people for a glimpse of Santa. Sora pouts and retorts, "If Santa's not real, then who's that up there?" He points, daring Riku to challenge him.
"My cousin Samstad." Sora's jaw drops open. Riku smirks, wraps his arm around Sora's shoulders and whispers, "Santa Claus doesn't exist."
Looking at Kairi, Sora breathes in deeply and repeats, "Santa Claus does not exist."
Little did he know this decision would come back to haunt him seven years later.
Also entered in
kh_drabble's Consequences Challenge.