Doctor Who Watch-a-Thon : Season Four

Aug 12, 2010 00:48

The Smugglers
Let's see how he reacts to Polly and Ben sneaking aboard. Four minutes of introduction for this episode? Good lord, reconstruction team.

"Whoa, where did this all come from?" Hah! No one has yet to actually say the words "it's bigger on the inside."

Awww, he was looking forward to travelling alone. Best of luck with that, Doctor.

Wait, Ben, I'm confused. You said you had a six month shore leave. But now you keep saying you've got to get back to your ship because you're being deployed. What?

I just realized this serial features pirates.

I haven't been paying attention. At all.

Still not paying attention.

I just heard someone mention Port Royal. <3

I enjoy how the parts that we actually have footage of are the parts deemed too violent by Australia. So it's just stills until someone gets stabbed and then we see that. HAH. Take that, censors!

I really do wish there was a tally somewhere of how many times the Doctor says "my dear" or "my dear child" or "my boy" or "hmmm" or anything else he says a lot. I've seen almost all his episodes now and I don't feel like watching them again to make a tally. >__<

The coldest place in the world? Oh, Doctor, why not say the universe? xD

The Tenth Planet
Oh, they're on the South Pole. But if he'd said "the coldest place in the universe" it would've been more suspenseful. And it's 1986! So far in the future!

Oh dear, painful American accents. Oh, you there, cutie, you have a Scottish accent. <3

"We're tumbling!" That's such a British word. IT Crowd: "Help! I've had a bit of a tumble!"

Snap! I wasn't paying attention and now I see Cybermen! Really really really ghetto Cybermen.

"International Television News." Crap, I just noticed he has a nearly perfect American accent. ^_^ He sounded just like a newsperson (you know, no accent?).

HAH! Screwdriver reference!

I'm lost again. People are crawling through air vents and hiding under bedsheets.

Can I say I hate the "whoooooooooosssssssssssssssssh" noise that happens within the first 6 seconds of the opening theme song? It's horribly loud and really annoying.

Oh my, his body is wearing a bit thin.

The only thing Cutler cares about in this world is his son? That's kind of sad, I think.

The Doctor's first offer of living together peacefully!

Why are those boys all wearing plastic suits? Radiation protection? It's weird.

I'm actually sad. I didn't think I'd be sad for his regeneration. But I am. T_T

The Power of the Daleks
Well that was a creepy smile and face. O_o

Ben's being rather rude about this.

Without the TARDIS the Doctor couldn't survive, could he?

Two's acting like he doesn't remember anything One did.

Oh god, I forgot he played the recorder. I'm already tired of it and he's only had it for 10 seconds.

Planet Vulcan? Makes me think of Star Trek. What planet are Vulcans from? Wikipedia says Vulcan. OMG IT'S THE SAME PLANET.

I'm already tired of his recorder. Stupid recorder. Someone take it from him.

Wait... where did the Daleks come from? I wasn't paying attention and then the Daleks showed up.

Hah. Two just said he never speaks nonsense. Well, almost never. He reminds me of Ten. Or Eleven. He is VERY different from One, however. He has a stream-of-consciousness thing going on.

Oh, I see, it's like Nine's episode "Dalek" where the humans don't believe him when he says they're dangerous and the humans are like "LET'S BRING IT BACK TO LIFE IT CAN'T HURT US DURRRRRHHHH!" while the Doctor's all "I WILL SHOOT IT LET ME SHOOT IT!" xD

This version I have cuts off the bottom 20% of the screen. >_<

"I am your servant." I keep waiting for it to offer tea.

Well that was the ultimate insult towards a Dalek! Telling them they have human-like curiosity!

It's the beginning of all the running! There wasn't any running with the First Doctor.

*sings* Someone loves Polly! *whispers* I think it's Ben.

"Have you finished your liquid?!" Haha, Dalek.

I've been spoiled with my reconstructions with subtitles. T_T There's lots of noises but I have no idea what's going on. And not because I haven't be paying attention this time.

Oh no, the Doctor's locked up! If only he had a sonic screwdriver! Wow, he did just use soundwaves to unlock the door.

You'll never see a Dalek again? Right. Well, I've been watching non-stop since... The War Machines today. Time to quit.

The Highlanders
[edit 12 Aug] And I'm back. Wikipedia says we meet Jamie in this episode! Back up to 4 people total, though? It still seems weird to have more than one companion, even though One always had more than one.

Why does everyone always want to go home? Well, not everyone, but MOST everyone.

I think I know why the Doctor'll like Jamie when he meets him. He's a piper. Who plays a bagpipe. Which is like a recorder (both... woodwinds?).

Alexander looks like Rory. Ponytail!Rory, that is.

"Will you both give us your word that you won't molest us?" Hahahaha, Doctor.

I thought that was a poor Scottish accent. The actor playing Jamie is from England. Fail. Maybe his accent will get better. Wikipedia says he's in more episodes than quite a few Doctors. So I have YEARS of episodes to look forward to with Jamie. xD

And we're separated again.

The Doctor's using a gun. Well, threatening with one. He did just say he has no experience with a gun and it might go off in his face. Hah.

And the Doctor has cross-dressed for the first time.

Interesting. The girls are off doing things and the boys are the ones in prison, not even trying to escape.

Why is everyone a "swab"? Was that the pirate term of choice?

"You're fantastic!" "I know!" Even though the plan isn't all that amazing or whatever. It's a simple get-weapons and sneak-aboard to rescue-friends plan.

Two has said "I'd like a hat like that" twice now.

Grey sounds a LOT like the first Doctor.

So Jamie goes along just because a pretty girl took his hand. XD

The Underwater Menace
I wonder when the Doctor gets his TARDIS fixed. Fixed so that he can actually tell her where to go. But then, that takes all the fun out of it, and he's literally sight-seeing, not escaping.

I haven't been paying attention. At ALL.

So they're underwater looking for Atlantis? Or something?

Hey, the first footage of the Second Doctor in motion. Well, a real episode. You know what I mean. It's not a reconstruction.

Oh, come on, Polly, don't just hide behind a rock making grunting noises while other people fight. Lame.

Oh there are fish people now? I don't like this serial at all.

"What about Polly?" *whine* Oh, Ben. Just tell Polly you love her. This is painful.

Uuhhh, that is NOT a good noise for the TARDIS to make. T_T

The Moonbase
The Cybermen are back? Already? Okay...

2070, hmm? "Weather-control moon." Hahahahaha.

Polly sure does a lot of screaming.

Shower time. For me, not for anyone in the show. HAH!

Okay, back. At least the Cybermen look more robotic this time.

Coffee? I didn't think the Doctor drank coffee.

AHHAHA!! The Cyberman tried to get off that table as quickly as he could and made the table shake! It looked... classy.

T_T The Cybermen's voices are more robotic, but now I'm having issues understanding them.

And I haven't been paying attention again. >_>;;

They escaped again but I don't know what happened.

The Macra Terror
HOLY CRAP NEW OPENING. Well, new visual. Same music.

This reminds me of the Emerald City. Refreshments and music. :-/

Jamie's accent has become more obviously Scottish.

I'm not sure what's going on.

[edit 13 Aug]

Bryan spent all last night wondering who the Macra were and why they should be familiar. I all but told him they were the monsters in Gridlock. But he realized who they were finally when he heard them mention gas and claws. :)

Oh, they've killed all the Macra. Interesting.

The Faceless Ones
Interesting. Why did they run instead of just getting back into the TARDIS and dematerializing (which isn't a word according to Firefox)? The Doctor told everyone to scatter. Haha.

Jamie's never seen a plane before! And he's wearing a kilt! <3 He's calling them "beasties."

Bobbies! <3

Waiiiittt... Polly just got her hair cut! Now it's super long! Maybe years have passed since "The Macra Terror"? I dunno.

"Do you think it was a practical joke? Students, perhaps?" It's always students! Haha, Rose. <3

Jamie's consoling Polly because Ben's not there. xD

He has a magnifying glass!

Three boys in a photo booth! Of course my brain goes to dirty places.

[edit 14 Aug] And it's a new day. Perfect for watching reconstructed episodes of Doctor Who.

Even after reading the Wikipedia summary, I still don't know what the aliens were after. People? For some reason?

So... three of the Doctor's young friends have been kidnapped. That's... all of them. Fail, companions.

I enjoy how Chameleon Jamie has an English accent, not a Scottish one. Oh, apparently that's on purpose. ^_^

The Doctor's bluffing about finding the bodies! I think. I don't remember if they've found them or not.

I can't believe someone would turn down the opportunity to be a companion on Doctor Who... but whatever. The actress who played Samantha in this serial played Queen Victoria in "Tooth and Claw."

Oh no, someone's stolen the TARDIS!

The Evil of the Daleks
Well, I'm willing to bet the Daleks stole the TARDIS. They do like to mess with the Doctor like that. :3

*gasp* Who knew? The Daleks are involved!

The first time the Doctor says "The Master"! Except it's not the same Master.

Oh no, a mysterious coloured person! He must be evil! If he isn't, I will be very happy. Oh, he's a bad guy. Oh, they've saved each others lives now, so they're friends. Except that Camel (is that his name?) doesn't speak. Oh, it's spelled Kemel.

"Mechanical beasties." Oh, Jamie, that's so Scottish. Maybe that's why he said it.

Hey, they mentioned Poe! He's from Baltimore. XD

*gasp* A fob watch!

"Victorier." Oh, English accents. <3

I LOVE Victoria's dress. It's gorgeous.

HAHAHA The Daleks playing a game. Don't trust them!

"Alpha" "Beeta" "Omeega." Except the Daleks pronounce it "Omega."

Kemel's wearing a fez! I really hope Two says he wants one.

The Dalek Emperor! Exciting!

What is it about Earth that everyone wants? Really? Are we THAT special? Convinces me more and more that Time Lords are actually humans in the far future who have gone back in time to create their own civilization.

No, not the recorder!

HAH! The Dalek Emperor is SO effin' EPIC! Evidence: "A Dalek questioned an order!" Emperor: "QUESTIONED?!?!!??!!?"

The Doctor just said he didn't come from Earth (which we already knew), but he meant it like he's not human. OMG HE'S NOT HUMAN NO WAY.

I've actually managed to pay attention to this entire thing. Yay me!

"The End of the Daleks forever." "The end. The Final End." So you think.

tv : doctor who watch-a-thon

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