Craig's List

May 26, 2008 22:32

Random things. I was looking for a job, and then Bryan sent me to Craig's List to ask me where an apartment was, and then I found some seamstress jobs (to which I sent emails) and then I found the "best of" Craig's list page.

These are just some of the more amusing ones I've found.

Dead Moose
Rant: Person With a Wooden Leg Who Lives Above Me
For Sale-One (1) Wife, slightly used, 1964 Model
Free Giant Lawn Ornament
Non-functioning Organic Lawnmower
Is this your pet?

and my personal favourite:
GameStop Girl

I like to pretend that Bryan wrote that last one. xD It's cute.

Anyway, parents have decided that Bryan can only come to visit for a week at a time, which screws up his work schedule like WHOA. Seriously. So confused now. ;____; Stupid parents. Although I suppose it makes sense. But still, couldn't they have told me this earlier? Or told BRYAN HIMSELF when he talked to Mommy last week? Seriously.

I'm tempted to fly out to Ohio and stay with Bryan. He's looking for an apartment to rent around here so he can still come to visit.

friends : bryan, life : general, emotions : depressed

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