Hi everyone! I come with this new geeky post about Pokémon, essentially for the
pkmncollectors comm (where I hope to get some awesome replies *3*
I will either a)trade or b) buy the cars in this wishlist (but I prefer to trade please, I'm poor ;w;). I'm looking for cards in MINT CONDITION only ie, brand new &/or mint. I will not accept any card that has even minor scratches, tears, discoloration, etc. I also prefer 1st Edition cards for the "older" decks (Jungle, Fossil, Base, Base 2, Team Rocket).
Legendary Birds
Black Star Promo #48, Fossil (H/NH), Majestic Dawn (H/NH), Black Star Promo #22, EX Platinum: Supreme Victors, EX FireRed-LeafGreen (H), Black Star Promo #32 (H), EX Rocket's Return
Base (H/NH), Fossil (H/NH), Majestic Dawn (H), Black Star Promo #21, Supreme Victors, EX FireRed-LeafGreen (H), Nintendo Promo #33 (H), Gym Challenge "Rocket's Zapdos", Arceus "Zapdos G" (H), Vending Machine S2 (H, Jap only)
Fossil (H/NH), Vending Machine S2 (H, Jap only), Majestic Dawn (H), Black Star Promo #21, Supreme Victors, Gym Heroes "Blaine's Moltres" (H), Gym Heroes "Rocket's Moltres" (H), EX FireRed-LeafGreen (H), Nintendo Promo # 31 (H), Team Rocket Returns (H)
Jungle (H), EX Unseen Forces (H), EX Delta Species #18 "Vaporeon δ" (H), Majestic Dawn, POP Series 3 (H), Rising Rivals, Reviving Legends (Jap), Team Rocket (NH) & Legendary Collection (H) "Dark Vaporeon", Neo Destiny "Light Vaporeon", EX Delta Species #110 (ex), EX Power Keepers (Star-H)
Jungle (H/NH), EX Unseen Forces (H), EX Delta Species #7 "Jolteon δ" (H), Majestic Dawn, POP Series 3 (H), Rising Rivals, Reviving Legends (Jap), Team Rocket "Dark Jolteon", Neo Destiny "Light Jolteon", Gym Challenge "Lt. Surge's Jolteon", EX Delta Species #109 "Jolteon ex" (ex), EX Power Keepers (star-H)
Jungle (H/NH), EX Sandstorm (H), EX Unseen Forces (H), EX Delta Species #5 "Flareon δ" (H), Majestic Dawn, POP Series 3 (H), Rising Rivals, Reviving Legends (Jap), Team Rocket "Dark Flareon", Neo Destiny "Light Flareon", Delta Species #108 "Flareon Ex" (ex), EX Power Keepers (Star-H), Rising Rivals "Flareon 4"
Majestic Dawn #5 (H), Majestic Dawn #20 (H), Rising Rivals, Majestic Dawn #98 "Glaceon Ex" (ex)
Majestic Dawn #7 (H), Majestic Dawn #24, Rising Rivals, Majestic Dawn #99 (star-H)
Coming Soon
Coming Soon