Fanime, Day 1

May 27, 2011 13:49

In San Jose. At Fanime. Flight up was on a nifty plane (D400?) that had props and the body of the plane lower than the engines rather than level with them. Felt like I was in an Indy Jones movie and should have dotted lines following me on the map.

Have spent a while this morning arguing with the room lock. Have had my card rekeyed once and then gotten an entirely new key and I still can't get into my own room. Our room is on the 7th floor and the elevators are already unusable due to traffic, so this has involved a lot of stairs. My shift starts in 15 minutes, so Wonderful Husband has taken over the battle for me. I'm in ConOps; if anyone needs me, I'll be here all weekend.

Year 10 of staffing. Hope I can get my ten year pin.

ETA: Have ten year pin. Have finished first 8-hour shift. That Time Of Month + toothache = Advil is my friend this weekend....


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