Ever notice that big important deadlines and projects always seem to somehow mysteriously converge so that you can't get anything done for any of them? Grand Universal Conspiracy Theory in action here, peoples.
Garden plot is, mmm, call it three-fifths weeded. And by weeded, I mean utterly denuded of the two to three feet high weeds that absolutely covered it. It's roughly 157 square feet.... Something has, meanwhile, been attacking my baby bell pepper plants at home. But the tomatoes I have in their four-inch pots atop my backyard postage stamp are doing quite well. This would be because their roots are growing through the bottoms of the pots and into the patio garden soil.... The peas I have growing up a trellis are doing quite nicely, however. So what I need to do is finish weeding the garden (which I am estimating will take two more after-work sessions), maybe put some compost and fertilizer in the bed (one more evening) and then start putting plants in. So that should resolve itself this week. Hopefully.
Translation. This one I admit I have been soooo slacking on. I have two episodes due before Fanime. One I finished last night and sent off to editors and timer. The other I started on and am three and a half minutes into. Finishing it is my other goal for tonight. (I can only garden for about an hour and a half after work; the light starts to go at that point.)
Sewing. I've been putting together a new dress for Abigail out of scraps of linen and that tablecloth I hacked apart into napkins. I'm not 100% satisfied with it, but all it really has to be done at this point is having the buttonholes sewn and the buttons sewn on. I'm considering adding patch pockets to the skirt, but we'll see. I haven't finished anything for the RenFaire, which started this last weekend, and I haven't done anything for Costume Con, which is on the 25th. I think I'm going to do the buttonholes and buttons tonight, as they'll take me about ten minutes, and then call the dress done for a while. I need to go through my costumes and figure out what I have to take with me and what I need to go with them. I have Regency dresses enough, so at least one of those. Maybe something medieval. Nothing fancy, nothing heavy. I've been being pulled in so many directions that I've given up on the thought of anything resembling competition.
Oh, and did I mention my inlaws have arrived (though they're off sightseeing through the rest of California for a week now), my aunt has her birthday party on Saturday, Wonderful Husband and I are taking my mother to see Phantom on Sunday, then there's Wicked with his family on next Wednesday, dinner out with them next Thursday, and see me trying and failing not to whirl in spinny circles?