Step By Step

Mar 15, 2008 12:37

In our swing dance class, every now and again I hit a certain stride and have to blink, realizing that Wonderful Husband and I are the most advanced dancers in the class. Which, I admit, doesn't mean much... we're not that good yet. But we've been at this for several years now, so sooner or later most of it sinks in.

Have now finished season two of Avatar. Wonderful Husband and I are pondering whether or not to play catch-up via DVDs or downloads, or just wait until the whole third season is available to purchase. In the meantime, we have the second season of The Muppet Show to go through. ^_^

Transformers: Animated this morning was... amusing. I find the constant visual references to G1 (this episode: Daniel, and Prime's trailer) great fun, and continue to like the writing. I think, however, that the writers don't like Daniel much. :)

Went to Farmer's Market a few hours earlier than usual, and think I shall continue the habit. Much better parking and much less crowded earlier in the day.

Waiting for color printout of costume set I'm doing with racerxmachina and aelfsciene so that I can hit up the fabric district and buy mass quantities.... *knock on wood*

cosplay, farmers market, avatar, swing dance, transformers, rl

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