Jan 01, 2019 22:31
Shadowlands word count: 989. A bit less than half a chapter, but I'm just going to make myself keep adding a bit each day and refining what's already there until the story is done.
I also worked on sewing - two quilt blocks done for two different projects, the rows sewn together for a third, and a hopefully-ongoing project started.
Got the minutes for my quilt guild typed up and mailed out to my fellow officers and have done and resent the three corrections that have come back so far.
And I went to the thrift store with my mother. Got some sewing things (fabric, books, magazines), some glasses to replace the set the boys have slowly but steadily broken four of over the past five years, and a Swedish Christmas candelabra for $1.50. It's missing one foot, but I might just take off the extant one and go to Ganahl Lumber and look at their moulding. If I can find a style that works, I'll buy two samples, paint them red, and use those for new feet.