
May 31, 2016 13:04

Squiddle's new children's-show-of-interest on YouTube is In The Night Garden. Which is harmless enough. But it's amusing that he's glommed onto Ninky Nonk, the train, as his favorite. His granddad, who is also into trains, has taught him well...? :)

There was a patch of bright sunlight early yesterday afternoon, so I was able to get the paint in the master bathroom touched up. Hooray for another task off the list! Now it only needs the handtowel hanger put in place, the base moulding installed and painted, and the shelving decided on and installed. In other words, the room is still nowhere near complete. :/ But it's much much prettier than it's ever been before, and fully functional.

I've also done enough quilt-sewing that I've gotten the need out of my system (I attribute this to the 218 half-square triangles I cut, sewed, trimmed, and still need to press), so my crafting brain has finally shifted over to Costume College sewing.

I spent time yesterday afternoon wrestling with FBA (Full Bust Adjustment) tutorials, and getting depressed over those, and have decided to just shelve the 1960s dress until I'm in the headspace to wrestle with its fitting problems. Instead I'm moving to the other outfits I'd planned for Costume College - Regency gear! I've changed sizes and shapes since my last foray into this era (or at least come to accept that what I had before, while well-made, did not actually fit me properly) so only a chemise is coming along on this journey into better-fitting outfits. Wish me luck. Step one: a bodiced petticoat, since a corset is soooooo not happening this year, for multiple reasons.

baby baby, sewing, costume college, greenwood

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