Oct 14, 2015 21:59
Had guild meeting last night. I went loaded to bear, hauling four quilts with me: the crane quilt, the citizenship quilt, and the two baby quilts I haven't yet photographed. Also a dozen magazines to go on the freebies table, a quilt top for the charity group, five blocks for the block party, and a whole basketful of fabric to give to the opportunity baskets raffle folk. Whee! At least all I had to bring home was the quilts.
I was right in my guess that I was going to be the only person doing the Whisper Challenge to make a full bed-sized quilt. Everyone else, all 19 other people, did wall hangings. There was an "ooh!" when I unrolled the crane quilt. Very gratifying. As were the two people who stopped me to say they hoped I was keeping this one. (Which I am. It's the first quilt I've made deliberately for my bed.)
After a year in the guild, I'm finally starting to feel like a part of it, rather than just a quiet person who hangs around the fringes. Granted, I can't do too much more. No workshops or committees or anything at this point. I have a toddler and he's my first priority.