Jun 05, 2015 22:49
So, having sold the Singer 15 treadle on, as (1) I lacked the skills and equipment to repair the veneer, and (2) Squiddle is of an age and inclination to stick his fingers into, say, moving treadle flywheels, today I returned my mother's lovely Singer 201 to her and picked up an electric Singer 15 that I'd bought off the Goodwill auction site for thirtyish dollars.
The machine was made in 1952, has pristine decals, and lacks but a bobbin case, which I have now purchased; it should arrive in a week. Amusingly, it's in the exact same cabinet that my mother's 201 is. Equal exchange? :) There's a gouge on the inside of the lid, but not one that should snag fabric. I can live with it. It's definitely not virgin, but do I suspect the machine sat untouched in someone's garage for the last twenty years. It had no lint build-up, but was dusty, and dry. It is now clean, oiled, and greased, and I've downloaded both the standard and adjuster's 15-91 manuals. It runs quite sweetly. I must contemplate a name.
Not having the bobbin case for another week means I can concentrate this week's sewing energy on the other projects that have been building up, needing either a zigzag stitch, or the serger.
singer 15,
sewing machine