
Aug 13, 2009 22:46

Ah, this is just a quick update on what's going on so far. I don't know why I'm doing this now. I should go sleep since I have work tomorrow but I don't feel like sleeping just yet.

1) The landlord still hasn't fixed the rat problem and Kat has been calling me over and over again about it. The Realtor is pissed because the landlord had told him that he had fixed the problem before he left for Pakistan (on vacay I think). Anyway, the Realtor called in an exterminator and says that the problem should be under control within a week! :D The two main problems were:

a) Untidiness. Zhyne has left food everywhere, dirty dishes in the sink and half-eaten food on plates in her room. STOP FEEDING THE DAMN RAT(S)!

b) Lack of people. Rats are very cautious around humans so since the house is empty most of the time, the critters come and go as they please. :/

There's a house meeting at 5pm this Sunday that I have to go to. Hopefully, we'll get everything else sorted out because all this wait time is ridiculous. I'm just so glad we have the Realtor to talk to because the landlord obviously doesn't give a fuck. Go off to Pakistan after you've JUST bought a house? Without even addressing the issues properly? Really?

2) I have two weeks of work left! The last two weeks have been the most enjoyable ones since Shalyn has suggested that I sit where Brittany's (the girl whose job I took over for the past 2 weeks) desk is. And well, let's just say that their aisle is the most lively (and the most perverse) one. SO much fun. It's going to be sad, moving my things back to my own desk tomorrow. :( ... And back to writing letters all day. It's an easy job, so I'm not really complaining about what I have to do, rather... well, it'd be much more interesting to do that task while sitting in the fun aisle, lol.

They've taken to calling me Anna Banana in a fake British accent.

3) I've been doing a lot of uhh... shopping lately. I've probably mentioned this numerous times before, but every summer, I splurge on something as a reward for working all summer. Well, here's how it has been so far:

2006, working as receptionist @ CPR → Squier Fat Strat
2007, working for DFS → MP3 player
2008, working for Star Fashion → Button maker

And now...

2009, working for DFS → netbook, clothes, clothes, clothes, accessories, body jewellery.

I need. To stop. Spending. I made a promise to myself not to spend so much money until at least school begins (when I actually don't have a choice 'cos... haaa textbooks). Unless it's for necessities (back to school shit, but not including clothes!).

4) Summer's ending. Which means my phone contract ends soon. Looking into plans with other companies because Bell is just ridiculously crazy with their charges. Customer Service tells me that I can get my phone number changed for free as long as I have proof I'm a student. I go to a Bell World to get my phone number changed. The guy tells me that there's a $15 charge. I told him CS told me I could get it done for free as long as I'm a student. Fine, he changes my phone number for me. The next bill comes and guess what.

They charged me $20 for a phone number change. WTF.

So yeah. I'm looking into plans with Rogers right now but if you guys have any suggestions, throw 'em out there.

5) The lab project is coming along swimmingly. I think. Well, at least it's continuously updated. 'Cept for the one weekend I had to miss because of social outings... but I did make up for it by updating twice on the weekend after all! So... it's all good. 8D

I've been ignoring the blog and the main site though. I think it might be because the main site is such an eyesore. And the blog... well, I don't think I go through these creative periods often enough to update it with interesting entries. So I might just take it down. As for the main site, I want to make a new layout for it already. :/

It also gives me an excuse to design something that incorporates Lightbox. I know, you see this effect on image and photo galleries EVERYWHERE now but... it just looks so cool! And it's definitely more pleasing to the eye than say... opening the image in a pop-up window. OTL

6) I, uhh, have a Tumblr now. It's mainly just a bunch of RSS feeds and reblogs with cool stuff to keep myself amused and hopefully, inspired.

7) I haven't been reviewing my Japanese this summer AT ALL. I've been thinking about finding a JP penpal so I can practice my bad Japanese, lol.

8) ... There was something but I lost my train of though. Ah well, time for bed.

life, wtf, design, work, digisumi, random, school, fail, website, art

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